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"Spero che saremo ricordati come tre persone che hanno reso tanta gente felice con la musica e dato loro piacevoli ricordi".
(Maurice Gibb)

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logo Daily Mail Online Secondo il quotidiano inglese “Daily Mail”, facendo seguito a quanto da lui stesso aveva preannunciato in Germania ad agosto, Robin Gibb avrebbe confermato al “Mail” , ieri (domenica 17 ottobre), che Steven Spielberg realizzerà un film sulla vita dei Bee Gees, in quanto ritiene che la storia della vita dei Bee Gees sarebbe un grande successo al botteghino.

Robin avrebbe dichiarato: “Il film sarà realizzato da alcune persone molto importanti. Sarà la storia della nostra vita. Io e Barry saremo coinvolti dal punto di vista tecnico. Preferirei che fossero usate le nostre registrazioni originali, perchè è molto difficile imitarle…”

Link all’articolo del Daily Mail (in inglese)

Dopo la pubblicazione dell’articolo sopra citato, in tutti gli angoli del mondo, stante la popolarità dei nomi coinvolti nella presunta notizia riportata dal “Daily Mail”, si sono susseguite numerose reazioni, alcune delle quali incentrate sulla curiosità. Molti commenti sono stati alquanto scettici sulla veridictà della notizia, che allo stato attuale non è stata nè confermata nè smentita dagli interessati. La notizia, sebbene in breve, sarebbe stata data anche dall’autorevole trasmissione TV americana “Inside Edition”.

Nel frattempo le attività musicali di Robin non si fermano. In questi giorni sono stati confermati nel suo sito ufficiale altri concerti di cui si parlava da mesi, di cui uno a Beirut (Libano) ed uno a Lubiana (Slovenia). In questi giorni potrebbe arrivare anche la conferma ufficiale di un concerto che si terrebbe il prossimo 25 novembre ad Amman (Giordania). In arrivo anche le probabili conferme di alcune delle delle date sud-americane previste originariamente per dicembre. Sembra invece smentita la possibilità (ventilata in questi giorni da numerosi siti e radio americane) di un concerto negli USA.

Ecco le date confermate:

Beirut (Libano) Biel Center

Lubiana (Slovenia), Center Stozice

(Fonte: robingibb.com)

“From ET to Bee Gees: Steven Spielberg to turn Gibb life story into a movie”

The story of the Bee Gees is to be made into a Hollywood movie by Steven Spielberg.

The Oscar-winning director of ET believes the group’s journey from unknowns in Manchester to worldwide fame will prove box-office gold.

British-born twins Maurice and Robin Gibb and their older brother Barry, 64, sold more than 200 million records. Maurice died suddenly in 2003 aged 53 but the two remaining brothers have recently said they will perform again.

Robin, 60, told The Mail on Sunday: ‘The movie is going to be done by some very important people. It will be our life story. Barry and I will be involved in the technical side.’

One of the challenges for Spielberg, 63, will be replicating the brothers’ distinctive three-part harmonies and Barry’s falsetto voice.

Robin said: ‘I’d like our original recordings to be used because it’s very hard to emulate them.’

The film will chart the brothers’ rise from child performers. They had their breakthrough in 1966 with Spics And Specs before hits including Jive Talkin’, How Deep Is Your Love and Stayin’ Alive.

(Source: dailymail.co.uk)

In the meantime robingibb.com, the Robin Gibb official  website, confirmed some additional dates in november:

Beirut (Lebanon) Biel Center

Lubijana (Slovenia), Center Stozice

In the next days it should arrive also the confirmation of a concert in Amman, Giordania (25 november), while it’s also to be announced any news about the South American dates  in december.

(Source: robingibb.com) 

(di Enzo , 03/05/2006 @ 23:53:24 in Dal web, linkato 1830 volte)

Barry Gibb è stato l'ospite d'onore del concerto di beneficienza "A night oh Healing", che si è tenuto il primo di maggio ad Hendersonville (Tennesee), dove Barry ha acquistato recentemente la casa della country star Johnny Cash ed ha intenzione di scrivere un album di musica country.
Barry ha cantato "Islands in the stream" duettando con la cantante country Kelly Lang, organizzatrice dell'evento e compagna di T.G. Sheppard, artista country popolarissimo negli States. Al concerto hanno preso parte, oltre a Barry, alcune leggende della musica country : Ricky Skaggs, Lorrie Morgan, the Oak Ridge Boys, T.G, Sheppard, The Del McCoury Band, The Whites, Gary Allan, Connie Smith, Tommy Cash e Ralph Emery.
(Fonte: kellylang.net)

“A Night of Healing”, the benefit concert held [May 1, 2006] in Hendersonville, raised almost $70,000 for the United Way of Sumner County Tornado Relief Fund, according to Mike McClanahan president of United Way of Sumner County.
An acoustic guitar signed by all the artists was auctioned off for $4,500 to a couple from Troy, NY while a “Night of Healing” t-shirt, also signed by the artists, went for $775 to a Goodlettsville resident.
Organized by local singer/songwriter Kelly Lang  and the United Way of Sumner County, the concert drew more than 3,000 people.
New Hendersonville resident, Barry Gibb, made a special appearance along with legends Ricky Skaggs, Lorrie Morgan, the Oak Ridge Boys, T.G, Sheppard, The Del McCoury Band, The Whites, Gary Allan, Connie Smith, Tommy Cash and Ralph Emery, joining Lang in her efforts to help those who were impacted by the tornado that swept through Sumner County almost four weeks ago. (Source:

(di Enzo , 07/02/2007 @ 23:34:49 in Dal web, linkato 2152 volte)
Spencer Gibb, il figlio primogenito di Robin (cantante dei 54 Seconds) ha inciso una versione di "Run to me".
La canzone verrà inserita in un disco che raccoglie canzoni cantate da figli di celebri artisti in dedica a questi ultimi. Il disco si intitola "A Song For My Father" ed include, tra gli altri, canzoni cantate dai figli di Carlos Santana, Ricky Nelson, Leonard Cohen e Bob Marley.
In this moving anthology, the musically gifted sons and daughters of music's biggest names put a unique and intimate spin on familiar material made famous by their legendary fathers, connecting great songs between two generations. The artists have drawn on the rich classic legacies of their fathers, choosing to perform songs that have a particular personal meaning for each of them. You will gain unique insight into the music and the people who created it as Jen Chapin, Ben Taylor, Carnie and Wendy Wilson, Chynna Phillips, Louise Goffin, A.J. Croce and other talented offspring dig deep to deliver A SONG FOR MY FATHER.

The gifted children of some of music's most legendary artists pay emotional tribute to their fathers on this unique compilation created especially for Target.

Among those featured: Jen Chapin (daughter of Harry Chapin singing the classic "Cat's In the Cradle"); chart-rocking twins Nelson (who salute their dad, roots-pop icon Ricky Nelson); Carnie and Wendy Wilson (daughters of Brian Wilson and two-thirds of the multi-platinum group Wilson Phillips); fellow Wilson Phillips member Chynna Phillips (daughter of Mamas and the Papas founder Papa John Phillips); Spencer Gibb (son of the Bee Gees' Robin); A.J. Croce (son of Jim); Louise Goffin (daughter of influential songwriting team Carole King and Gerry Goffin); Sarah Lee Guthrie (scion of '60s folk-rocker Arlo); Salvador Santana (son of Carlos); Devon Allman (son of Gregg); Adam Cohen (son of Leonard); and Ky-Mani Marley (son of Bob).

(di Enzo , 11/04/2007 @ 23:30:11 in Dal web, linkato 1891 volte)
La dimora appartenuta alla leggenda del country Johnny Cash, che Barry Gibb aveva acquistato l'anno scorso, è stata completamente distrutta da un incendio sviluppatosi nel pomeriggio di martedì 10 aprile.
La notizia è stata diffusa il giorno dopo dai principali media americani.
La causa del fuoco sarebbero alcuni materiali infiammabili usati per i lavori di ristrutturazione dell'edificio, situato ad Hendersonville, a pochi chilometri da Nashville .
Barry Gibb ha dichiarato che lui e la sua famiglia sono distrutti e terribilmente rattristati per l'evento.
Fonte: NewsChannel 5.com
"Fire Destroys Johnny Cash's Hendersonville Home"
HENDERSONVILLE, Tenn. - The house of the late country music legend Johnny Cash has burned to the ground.

The fire started shortly before 2 p.m. Tuesday. The home was sold for $2.3 million in January 2006 to a corporation owned by Barry Gibb, vocalist for the Bee Gees.
Gibb purchased the home and planned to restore it. The house caught fire during part of the construction process, and was caused by a flammable spray sealer.
"They were using some type of wood preservative inside the house," said Hendersonville Fire Chief Jamie H. Steele. "The last few days they had it outside the house and then something ignited it and we had fire pretty much from one end to the other."
Gibb was going to move into the house in July. It was not known on whether he would rebuild or sell the property.
The home is located in Hendersonville on Old Hickory Lake.
Cash died in September 2003 at the age of 71. His wife, June Carter Cash, died in May 2003 at the age of 73. Both were buried in the Hendersonville Memory Gardens.
The late Johnny Cash moved into the home on Caudill Drive in Hendersonville in 1968. On a tour of the Cash home in 2005, NewsChannel 5 got to see inside the home.
The Cash lakefront property was visited by U.S. presidents and fans. The home was nearly 14,000 square feet and had seven bedrooms and five bathrooms.
It will always be known as a part of country music history, said neighbor and country star Marty Stuart. "It's not only a piece of my heart and soul and my family's and this community's, but it's also a piece of American culture gone too," Stuart said.
Cash taped his music video "Hurt" inside the home, and won best video of the year from both the Grammys and the CMAs.
There were no injuries in the fire.
Source: NewsChannel 5.com
(di Enzo , 16/05/2008 @ 23:29:32 in Dal web, linkato 3441 volte)

Il "Times" e l' "Independent" pubblicano in questi giorni due interessanti interviste di Robin Gibb, in questi giorni più che mai attivo.
L'intervista del Times rivela tra l'altro che il primo ministro inglese Gordon Brown è un fan dei Bee Gees, mentre nell'intervista all'Independent Robin dichiara con forza di pretendere più rispetto per i Bee Gees e per le altre grandi star che contribuito alla grandezza della musica pop e rock inglese nel mondo. Interessante anche il commento (che sottoscrive le affermazioni di Robin) contenuto in un articolo dell'Indipendent , successivo all'intervista.
Inoltre in questi giorni Robin ha registrato una video intervista come testimonial di una campagna lanciata dal governo inglese per incoraggiare i padri separati a restare sempre vicini ai figli. Il sito web del "Times" riporta la sintesi e la trascrizione della video-intervista, che sarà disponibile sul sito http://www.dads-space.com/ a partire dalla fine di maggio.
(Fonti (Timesonline, www.independent.co.uk)

Leggi le interviste (in Inglese) :

Gordon Brown’s secret to stayin’ alive - listen to the Bee Gees
How is the Prime Minister surviving a grim period in office? By listening to the Bee Gees every day, the ever so well connected Robin Gibb reveals

Robin Gibb counts prime ministers past and present among his friends
Will Hodgkinson, (The Times 16-05-20089

Not everyone hates Gordon Brown. “He listens to our music every day,” says his friend, the Bee Gee Robin Gibb. “Gordon likes our music and I like Gordon. I was with him at a dinner recently” – Gibb says this with the air of a man for whom dining with the Prime Minister is all in a day’s work – “and he was asking: who is creating the big song catalogues of today? The answer is no one. Record companies today don’t see the need for creating big catalogues because that involves investing in careers, which they are no longer doing. But great songs are the backbone of music. They transcend the artist and the record and become part of the culture.”

It is not hard to see why Gibb is passionate about the craft of the pop song. The Bee Gees, the band he formed in his teens with his late twin Maurice and their elder brother Barry, are one of the most successful acts of all time. A fair chunk of the world’s population can sing along to Tragedy, Jive Talking and Stayin’ Alive.

The Bee Gees recently became the first band to be made fellows of the British Academy of Composers and Songwriters, for which the flagship event is the Ivor Novello Awards next Thursday. Since the ceremony is all about celebrating the art of the song, Gibb is one of its most vocal supporters.

“The Ivor Novellos [are] the beacon of the songwriting establishment in Britain,” says Gibb, a remarkably thin man with a gentle if slightly cadaverous air about him. “I come from an era when artists wrote their own songs, when people like Paul McCartney and Elton John created a huge body of work. We are in real danger of losing that tradition.”

Gibb lives in a 1,000-year-old former monastery in Oxfordshire with grounds equivalent to a reasonably proportioned London park. And he counts prime ministers past and present among his friends. “Tony Blair is a great friend,” Gibb says of our former leader, who took a holiday at Gibb’s Miami house in 2007. “I respect him tremendously. In this business you have friends from all backgrounds, including prime ministers and princes, and we get on like a house on fire.”

Brown likes the Bee Gees music, Gibb says, “because it talks about human relationships and experience, rather than specific events, and reaches out across the decades.” Brown has told Gibb: “Your music is absolutely timeless.”

Gibb is in fine form, talking rapidly in a Mancunian twang. Interviews have suggested that he feels the Bee Gees are not taken as seriously as they should be – there was the incident in 1998 when all three stormed off the set of Clive Anderson’s television show after the presenter made a joke about their once being called Les Tosseurs – but if this is still the case, he’s not showing it.

“We’re not just performers but also songwriters, which is the important thing,” he says. “I love Mozart because of his emphasis on melody, but in his time he wasn’t taken seriously at all. Now nobody listens to Mozart and says, ‘That’s so 1780s’. What you are left with is the music.”

“The music” has been Gibb’s saviour. He grew up in a poor family in Manchester until he was nine, when the family moved to Australia. The Bee Gees formed soon after, inspired by the broad variety of music they heard on Australian radio. “We didn’t have a pot to piss in when we were growing up – my dad couldn’t hold down a job – but we didn’t feel we were missing out because we had a lot of fun writing songs. We would hear our favourite bands on the radio and then try and write in their style, pretending that we were coming up with their next hit. We never thought about fame or anything like that.”

Does it bother him that the pop song is frequently dismissed as teenage trash? “That’s just an attitude and it doesn’t impact on the quality of the music,” he replies. “Writing a simple melody that people remember and that can be interpreted in different styles is one of the hardest things to do. Look at Islands in the Stream. We wrote that as an R&B tune but Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers turned it into pure country. A lot of classical composers worked in the same way. It’s rumoured that Beethoven sat in Bavarian taverns and stole melodies from travelling folk singers, so concepts of what is high or low art are irrelevant.”

The Bee Gees were writing songs at a farmhouse in France in 1976 when their manager, Robert Stigwood, approached them to provide music for an adaptation of a short story by Nik Cohn called Tribal Rites of the New Saturday Night. “We weren’t at all sure about it,” Gibb says. “It’s a dark film about what was really going on in New York at the time, and it has gang rape, suicide . . . Robert Stigwood came over to listen to our new songs while crickets chirped and cows mooed in the background, and he talked about this thing called disco we had never heard of, and between us we came up with this marriage of film and music that eclipsed everything. It was a low-budget film with no marketing at all and yet it captured imaginations.”

At the height of their powers the Bee Gees couldn’t help but write smash hits. “We wrote Tragedy and How Can You Mend a Broken Heart? in one afternoon at our house in Addison Road in Kensington. Both went to No 1, so that wasn’t a bad afternoon’s work,” he says. “We would sit around with a tape recorder and a keyboard and bash out ideas, and I think it worked because we had fun. If you think too hard about what you want from a situation it never works. The secret is to enjoy it.”

Since Maurice died in 2003 a return to that golden age of fraternal hitmaking is impossible. But Robin and Barry are in talks about writing a musical based on their back catalogue, and there are always mainstream pop stars ready to look to a Gibb brothers composition for material – Barbra Streisand, Diana Ross and Destiny’s Child are a few that have already done so.

Gibb’s main concern for the future is that the songwriting culture is in danger of dying out. “Programmes like The X Factor turn the song into a vehicle for celebrity rather than the other way round,” he says. “Our whole lives have been made up of projects that went into creating a catalogue of songs that the world has embraced. I just wish that the world today [was] more like the world we started out in.”


"Jive talkin': Why Robin Gibb wants more respect for the Bee Gees "  - Tim Walker meets a famously prickly musician (The Indipendent, 12-5-2008)

Gibb says the Bee Gees should be celebrated for what they've achieved

 Interviewing a Bee Gee can be a tricky business. There was the notorious incident on Clive Anderson's talk show when all three brothers Gibb strode off after tiring of their host's wisecracks. And there was the time Robin Gibb, invited on to Radio 4's Front Row to discuss his last solo album with the probing but hardly combative Mark Lawson, peeled off his mic in mid-conversation.

The Gibbs would have made good guests for Graham Norton, but the comedian scuppered that prospect by making a tasteless joke about the death of Robin's twin brother Maurice in 2003. At the time, Robin, perhaps understandably, expressed a wish to rip the presenter's head off.

It's no surprise, then, when our first appointment, due to take place at the star's converted monastery in Oxfordshire, is broken. A second meeting is cancelled, too. Third time lucky: we meet at a private members' club in Cavendish Square in London.

In March, Gibb, 58, was made President of the Heritage Foundation. The organisation, he explains, is devoted to "the recognition of achievement by people across the spectrum of British cultural life", with activities including tribute events, concerts and the unveiling of blue plaques.

Now, Gibb is heading the foundation's Bomber Command campaign. "It's 63 years since the end of the Second World War," he says. "We want the 56,000 guys who lost their lives protecting the freedoms of all of Europe to be honoured with a statue in the centre of London."

Gibb is bothered by Britons' lack of pride in their history. "We whinge about our past, but we're a greatly admired culture. We're the country that produced Shakespeare, for Christ's sake, the Brontës, Winston Churchill."

His home in Oxfordshire is "a microcosm of British history. It's 1,000 years old – older than Westminster Abbey. It survived the dissolution, and during the Civil War it was used by both Royalists and Parliamentarians. In the Second World War, the American army had a base there."

Gibb and his twin Maurice were born on the Isle of Man in December 1949; Barry, the other surviving sibling, was three years their senior. The trio were brought up in relative poverty in Manchester until 1958, when their youngest brother Andy was born, and the family relocated to Australia, where the Bee Gees first found fame.

"As a teenager growing up in Australia," Gibb says, "I realised that the Australians value British history more than the British do. Tony Blair spent a few years growing up in Adelaide and I had the same conversation with him."

Blair, "a good friend", holidayed at Gibb's mansion in Florida last year, sending the tabloids into a tizz. In 1992, Gibb's wife Dwina had been inaugurated as patroness of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids, a British neo-druidic order. She and Gibb were also candid about the openness of their marriage, a mistake he learnt from. "I don't understand why the press went crazy over that," he says. "They made very unnecessary jibes at my wife. It was a personal attack on her."

Unnecessary jibes are what have riled the band in past interviews: Anderson making the obvious joke about their former moniker, "Les Tosseurs", and Lawson asking Gibb how he felt about the lack of respect afforded the band. The Bee Gees are often treated without seriousness, mocked for the big hair, dismissed as men of the Seventies.

"Nobody ever says, 'Mozart? That's so 1780s!' I think we should see people for what they've achieved. Mozart was a womaniser and a drunk, but we evaluate him on his works," Gibb says. "We've got one of the biggest catalogues in the world. There are songs we wrote in 1968 that people are still singing. Ronan Keating did 'Words', Destiny's Child did 'Emotion'. There's very few artists with that kind of history."

The Bee Gees' record sales top 220 million. The only people who have outsold them are Elvis, The Beatles, Michael Jackson and Garth Brooks. Their compositions have shifted more units than The Rolling Stones, Abba, Elton John or U2. It's unlikely that the Bee Gees will ever be toppled from that top five, even now that the name has – probably – been retired.

Since Maurice's death in January 2003, Barry and Robin have performed together only a handful of times at charity events. The old tales of animosity between the pair are quickly dismissed. "Retiring the name is an emotional decision. We'll decide what we want to do in the next couple of years. We are planning to work together, but what shape or form that will take, it's too early to tell."

The album Gibb is recording for release later this year will, inevitably, be infused with the experience of losing his twin. "In many ways I don't accept that he's gone," he says. "I miss his presence, but it's something I have to live with."

Maurice wasn't the first family member to die unexpectedly. Andy, the youngest Gibb, was a Seventies star in his own right with a string of US solo No 1s. During the Eighties, the prospect of Andy joining the Bee Gees was much discussed, but in March 1988, he died from a heart condition. He was 30. His brothers didn't hide the fact that past abuse of drugs and alcohol had probably contributed. "Losing two brothers at a very early age is one thing, but the fact that both their deaths were unnecessary only compounds it," says Gibb.

Thirty years after its release, Saturday Night Fever is still the best-selling soundtrack of all time. Until then, the Gibbs were best known for their late 1960s ballads, like "Massachusetts". But, says Gibb: "We were dying to get into our soul influences. We wanted to do more than just ballads."

In 1976, they released Children of the World, complete with the No 1 blue-eyed soul single "You Should Be Dancing". They were working on new songs at a farmhouse in France when they got a call from Robert Stigwood. "He called from LA," Gibb recalls, "and said, 'We're making a film with this new guy John Travolta, and we're rehearsing to 'You Should Be Dancing'. Do you have any more songs?'" The rest is history.

"All those songs – 'Night Fever', 'How Deep Is Your Love', 'More Than a Woman', 'If I Can't Have You' – were written in a three-week period at five o'clock in the morning, with the only view from the window being of the cows that needed milking. They were the first to hear 'Stayin' Alive'."

Saturday Night Fever still overshadows the Bee Gees' long career. "Fever was a very important project, but the Gibb brothers were responsible for a wide range of songs," Gibb says, "from 'Islands In the Stream' for Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton, to 'Chain Reaction' for Diana Ross, to 'Heartbreaker' for Dionne Warwick, to 'Woman In Love' for Barbra Streisand. There's only a handful of people with catalogues like ours – the Stones, Elton, Abba and The Beatles.

"I get together with Paul [McCartney] a lot," he continues. "We talk about how we used to record. When we and The Beatles were recording we had no reference points. We just went into the studio and did what came into our minds. Many artists today just go into the studio and try to copy what's in the charts. We saw what was in the charts and said, 'Let's try to do something different.'" 

Terence Blacker:  These elderly pop stars have a right to feel miffed (The Indipendent, 13-05-2008)

The prejudice has less to do with the music than the way its performer looks, or his views

On the face of it, there are few sillier or unseemly sights in public life than a pop billionaire stroppily complaining that he is not taken seriously enough. Sir Cliff Richard does it every other week. Sir Paul McCartney seems to exude dissatisfaction with his lot. And that high-pitched, perfectly harmonised sound you can hear in the background almost certainly comes from one of the Bee Gees, those perennial chart-toppers in the moaners' hit parade.

A few years ago, they walked when Clive Anderson made a disrespectful, unfunny joke about them. A Mark Lawson interview with one of them, Robin Gibb, on Radio 4 was also terminated abruptly. This week, in The Independent, Gibb complained that it was odd that a group whose records have sold over 220 million and whose compositions exceed the sales of the Rolling Stones, U2, Elton John and Abba (and, he might have added, have suffered their share of misfortune) are still a byword for jokes about hair, teeth and the 1970s. "Nobody ever says, 'Mozart?' That's so 1780s!' I think we should see people for what they have achieved."

He is right to be miffed. By the simplest and most persuasive criteria of artistic success – how much lasting pleasure a work has given – pop musicians like the Gibb brothers deserve respect and gratitude, perhaps even from those who are not particularly fans of their music. The music that they wrote is in the bloodstream of a generation. People grew up, fell in love, married and had children to it. Their songs were taken for granted precisely because they were so ubiquitous.

Music is probably more vulnerable to snobbery than any other art form. For every talented pop composer, there are a thousand Clive Andersons, waiting on the sidelines to say how naff they are. More often than not, the prejudice has less to do with the music than the way its composer or performer looks, or his clothes, hair, views or sexuality. Almost always, the popular success of a musician confirms his lack of coolness to more sophisticated people.

Judgements as to which musicians are culturally acceptable are utterly subjective and, in the long term, meaningless. In the 1950s, when Gerry Goffin and Carole King were writing hits for Bobby Vee and The Drifters, the songs were dismissed as bubble-gum music for kids; a few years later, by some strange alchemical process which only rock journalists will understand, the same songs had become pop classics. A couple of decades later, Abba were seen to be the height of musical vulgarity. Only after they stopped writing and performing was it decided that, in fact, they were rather innovative and ahead of their time.

It must be annoying for someone like Robin Gibb, who has contributed so much to national life, not to mention to the national exchequer, to find that he is still a joke for the usual gang of scoffers. The state now and then attempts to recognise the work of pop musicians by handing out baubles and honours but, as poor old Sir Cliff and Sir Paul have discovered, a knighthood can often merely confirm a person's naffness.

Yet there is something which could be done to strike a significant blow against musical snobbery. Last year the Government announced that a national songbook would be introduced to encourage the nation's children to share and enjoy music. There would be 30 songs which would be the focus of a campaign called "Sing-Up". The project is now in all sorts of trouble. The list was thought to be too short and too prescriptive. Songs from different cultures were introduced in response to accusations of cultural imperialism. When last counted, there were about 600 songs in what has now become the National Song Bank.

Yet the idea was good. If the list had been increased to 50 songs and revised once every two years with the help of teachers and children, it could have engaged schools in understanding what made songs last. Because music has the power to unify, there would surely have been a case for putting the emphasis on songs from the main culture.

The list, as it stands, is dull: too many nursery rhymes and traditional songs. The national songbook should include the best popular songs of the past, whether they are naff or not. The Beatles' "Yellow Submarine" should be there, and so should Ralph McTell's "Streets of London" and Cliff Richards' "Congratulations". Something by the Bee Gees – "Stayin' Alive", perhaps – would certainly be a contender.

There will be discussions and rows but the songbook would be a great, self-renewing celebration of the power of music. It would also be the best way to pass on to future generations songs that have brought us pleasure – however unfashionably – in the past. 




"Stayin’ in touch: Bee Gee tips for absent fathers " (The Times , 6-5-2008)

The government has enlisted Robin Gibb, the Bee Gees singer, and Gary Lineker, the sports presenter, to encourage fathers separated from their children to stay close to them.

In an interview to be shown at a launch event this week by Ed Balls, the children’s secretary, Gibb, 58, speaks of having been “very, very nervous” and “horrified” at the prospect of seeing his children, Spencer and Melissa, for the first time after he divorced his first wife, Molly Hullis, in 1980. “‘Out of control’ is the first emotion alienated parents feel when they’re separated from their kids,” says Gibb. “They feel threatened. They feel as if they are not dictating events.”

Gibb says that one of the most difficult parts of reestablishing the relationship with children is knowing there might be another man in their home. “That’s what a lot of fathers can’t deal with,” he says.

The singer, whose interview was filmed for the website dads-space.com, which has received funding from Balls’s Parent Know How programme, has long had links to the government. He lent his Florida mansion to the former prime minister Tony Blair after noticing he looked “haggard” following the invasion of Iraq.

Transcript of an interview with Robin Gibb
This is a transcript of an interview with Robin Gibb conducted by www.dads-space.com, a service helping separated fathers communicate with their children. The full interview will be uploaded on to this website this month.

Quotes from interview with Robin Gibb on Dads Space

Emotionally, you tend to feel like swings and roundabouts; you don’t know what you want to do. You want to take action. You want to take action on your own, you want to take action with lawyers, you want to do this, you want to do that; you feel out of control.

I think that “out of control” is the first emotion that alienated parents feel when they’re separated from their kids. They feel threatened. They feel as if they are not dictating the course of events, someone else is, so it is very, very hard.

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Stayin’ in touch: Bee Gee tips for absent fathers
This is a very emotional period and this takes a while to settle down and see the wood for the trees. I think that once you let go of that emotional thing, things happen that become positive.

I became a father at a very early age by comparison to a lot of men – I was 22 years old when Spencer my first boy was born and I was in LA at the time, because in… this was about 1972 – it wasn’t always the thing… it was just… at the dawn of the time when men were supposed to be in surgery watching the child being born. But I was on the plane straight back… and he was premature. He was in an incubator …

I remember seeing him for the first time. It’s an incredible feeling actually producing life and having a child for the first time. And at 22 – I was still a bit of a kid myself. It kinda made me grow up a bit.

I think what you have to do… is that you’ve got to be a friend to your kids and you’ve got to be always there for them and I think more so when you are separated. I think you become more valuable as a father and friend once you’ve been separated. Because there are other people who come into the family structure that may be seen as father-figures – and so therefore you’re competing with that as well.

I think that’s what a lot of fathers can’t deal with as well – that there might be someone else at home who might be a father to the kids, who may spend more time with them and might replace them. In my case that did not happen. I feared it – but it didn’t happen. I’ve always been dad and we’ve always had a very close relationship.

And I think you’ve got to be first and foremost got to be a friend, a confidante to your kids. And not say… dictating too much, disciplinarian and always on their back… but a friend and a confidante – that’s the most important thing.

When I first saw my children afterwards I took them to pantomimes and things like that in Windsor, the usual quality moments, museums, all the things that parents do with kids to try and look for quality bonding moments.

The feeling I had when I first knew I was going to see them was great anticipation, very, very nervous; what would they think of me? Would they see me as Dad and how would their views be formed of me and what’s my role with them. You’re starting from a different reference point. I think a lot of parents go through this; you feel like a stranger with your own kids.

With those nerves that I had about seeing them, I turned them into “well, why don’t I just treat myself as a guy who’s getting to know some other people, like a friend and turn them into friends?” which is what I did, and I think, after a while I gained their respect and their friendship, which is probably something maybe I wouldn’t have had if we’d stayed together.

I think it developed into something more meaningful. All I know is that I was horrified at the time because I hadn’t seen them for a while. I think that any parent who’s going to see their kids after a long, long time is going to feel this, and it’s quite normal. You get over it. It’s just a moment in time but it is very, very nerve wracking.

(di Enzo , 29/08/2008 @ 22:55:24 in Dal web, linkato 3488 volte)

U turn me on - Jamie Jo feat. Barry GibbBarry Gibb partecipa come vocalist nel singolo di debutto di Jamie Jo, giovane esponente della dance music elettronica di Miami. Il singolo, che si intitola "U turn me on" , verrà pubblicato digitalmente il prossimo 23 settembre, e verrà distribuito sui principali siti di fruizione di contenuti musicali (i-tunes, Amazon, etc).
Non si conoscono molti particolari su questa pubblicazione, che a quanto pare era prevista per lo scorso mese di maggio e per quakche motivo è stata posticipata. 
Le uniche notizie si deducono da un'intervista rilasciata dalla stessa Jamie Jo (vedi più in basso, in inglese), secondo la quale Barry (amico di famiglia dei genitori della giovane cantante), ha ascoltato la canzone e gli è piaciuta fino al punto di volere fornire la sua collaborazione.
La canzone è inserita nell'album "In violet", (di prossima pubblicazione digitale),  nel quale sono contenute 13 canzoni prodotte da nomi illustri della scena dance come Damon Elliot (Destiny's Child) Bob Robinson, (Jennifer Lopez e Boyz II Men) e Dillon O' Brian, (Shakira). I generi  variano dall'elettro-dance al pop.
Jamie Jo dichiara nell'intervista di essere influenzata, tra gli altri, da Jennifer Lopez e Kilie Minougue.
(Fonti: www.jamiejo.com e dancemusic.about.com)

Barry Gibb guest in a US dance single
Miami native Jamie Jo is about to set the dance clubs on fire. Her debut single, “U Turn Me On” featuring the Bee Gees’ Barry Gibb will be released digitally on all major digital service providers on September 23rd.
The digital release will feature remixes by famed DJ, Eddie Baez and remixer Maurice Joshua.

The upbeat “U Turn Me On” is simply about dancing with an amazing partner, “There’s something special about electro, the sound,” Jamie Jo shares. “I think that it really touches your senses. And I want to portray and bring people a sultry, sexy feeling through my music.”

Jamie Jo’s upcoming full-length album, "In Violet" (Odin Media), entails catchy modern electro in the vein of Kylie Minogue and Goldfrapp, with a blistering edge. It’s an album and sound inspired by globetrotting nights spent in the world’s most trendsetting music clubs. “I like to tell stories, but small stories,” she says. “Each song is about moments. So I usually look at things moment to moment.”

"In Violet" features 13 songs and while electro is the dominant genre, it’s a sonically diverse assortment. “One thing I love about In Violet is its songs don’t all sound the same,” Jamie Jo explains. “You stay really interested all the way through. Some are electro-pop and dance-oriented, one has an island-y flavor. A really beautiful combination and a lot of wonderful imagery.”
Combining electro riffs and pop grooves, Miami native Jamie Jo is getting a buzz with her debut single "You Turn Me On." Check out her website, jamiejo.com, and you will see the song title is an apt description for this club kid turned pop star.

DJ Ron Slomowicz: Is this your first time in Miami at the Winter Music Conference?
Jamie Jo: No, I am a native, I was born and raised here.
RS: The album is very much on the electro side. What about electro inspires you?
Jamie Jo: I just think it's very titillating. It has some amazing sound, it makes you want to get up, it makes you want to dance and have a good time.
RS: In electro it's always the producers who are the focus, and not the artists. How are you as an artist going to keep the focus on you?
Jamie Jo: Well, I think just through my music. It's so steamy, it's so hot, that you're going to want to focus on the artist as you want to focus on the singing. My music is there to be enjoyed.
RS: Your first single "You Turn Me On" features Barry Gibb from the Bee Gees. How did you hook up with him?
Jamie Jo: He's a family friend and he heard the song You Turn Me On. He was so excited about it that he wanted to sing on it.
RS: Who did you work with, producer-wise, for the album?
Jamie Jo: Producer-wise I worked with Carmen Rizzo; Damon Elliot, who produced Destiny's Child; Bob Robinson, who worked with Jennifer Lopez and Boyz II Men; and Dillon O' Brian, who worked with Shakira. I had a slew of amazing producers.
RS: How do you work with producers? Do they give you a track? Do you sit in the studio together and write songs with them?
Jamie Jo: Well, sometimes there's a track, and sometimes we sit together in the studio and we write.
RS: What's your inspiration?
Jamie Jo: My inspiration is going to the nightclubs, and writing my experience on the dance floor, that is part of my inspiration. The evening sky, the beach, just a romance, passion – that whole thing is the inspiration, and a lot of it has to do with being here in Miami. 
“U Turn Me On” Featuring Barry Gibb – available September 23.
(Sources: www.jamiejo.com and  dancemusic.about.com))


(di Enzo , 15/01/2009 @ 21:43:10 in Dal web, linkato 2476 volte)

Il nuovo anno si apre con la pubblicazione della ristampa di "Odessa (Deluxe Editon)", il concerto di beneficienza a Londra per celebrare la musica dei Bee Gees, e voci su un presunto futuro viaggio "nostalgico" di Barry e Robin in Australia.

In ordine di data, subito dopo capodanno, si sono diffuse nel web notizie circa un viaggio di Barry e Robin Gibb nei luoghi del loro inizio di carriera, in Australia. Le notizie riportavano un certo disinteresse della comunità di Redcliffe, la città dove i Gibb di fatto iniziarono a scrivere le loro prime canzoni. Un mega tributo ai Gibb invece sarebbe programmato a Sidney, con un concerto pieno di mega-star australiane. Tuttavia, dopo una convulsa serie di iniziative per assicurare un adeguato benvenuto ai Gibb pure a Redcliffe, è arrivata dal management di Barry un parziale ridimensionamento delle notizie diffuse, definite non ancora del tutto attendibili, visto che ad oggi nè Barry nè Robin hanno confermato il viaggio e neanche l'eventuale periodo e modalità di svolgimento. Insomma pare che ci sia stato una semplice maifestazione di volontà non seguita da fatti concreti.

battersea_bgs1Il 9 gennaio a Londra (Battersea) si è tenuto un concerto di beneficienza in favore dell'Outward Fund Trust, organizzazione benefica di cui è presidente Robin Gibb, che ha coinvolto un gruppo di stelle del pop e del rock britannico, insieme ad una serie di giovanissimi protagonisti, per lo più vincitori di selezioni televisivi simili ad "X-factor". Il tema della serata era la celebrazione della musica dei Bee Gees, pertanto i fortunati (e generosi, visto che l'incasso della serata è di 250.000 sterline) ascoltatori presenti (circa un migliaio), hanno ascoltato i principali successi dei fratelli Gibb (come Bee Gees, ma anche come autori), eseguiti da una serie di grandi artisti della scena britannica. Tra i presenti Bill Wyman (ex Rolling Stones), Mark King (Level 42), Paolo Nutini, Natasha Hamilton (Atomic Kitten), la Spice Girl Mel C , Lulu, la star del soul Beverley Knight e l'ormai immancabile Valerija, la star russa nota ai fans dei Gibb per una sua cover di "Stayin'alive" in cui partecipava pure il buon Robin. Tra le canzoni eseguite anche "Heartbreaker" e "Chain Reaction", mentre il gran finale è stata una versione di "How deep is your love" cantata da tutti i partecipanti all'evento. (Nella foto, da sinistra: Bill Wyman con la figlia  Matilda, Valerija, Mel C, Natasha Hamilton, Mark King, Lulu e Robin Gibb).

In alcune dichiarazioni rilasciate subito prima dell'evento, Robin ha fatto riferimento alla realizzazione di un film sulla musica dei Gibb, alla stregua di "Mamma mia", il film basato sui successi degli Abba, uno dei maggiori successi cinematografici del 2008. "L' idea è in sviluppo in questi giorni, seguiranno annunci su larga scala", ha detto Robin al Times, ed ha annunciato che a giugno incontrerà Barack Obama in merito alle problematiche sui diritti d'autore. "Non sarà un remake di "Saturday Night Fever", e comprenderà le canzoni che abbiamo scritto per gli altri", ha aggiunto Robin. In un'altra intervista, Dwina, la moglie di Robin, ha detto con molta chiarezza che Robin è ancora profondamente addolorato, (in uno stato di lutto), per la morte del fratello Maurice, avvenuta il 12 gennaio 2003.

Dal 13 gennaio è disponibile nei principali negozi (online e non) la ristampa (remasterizzata e con inediti) di "Odessa", il doppio album originalmente pubblicato con la celebre copertina di velluto nel 1969. La versione del quarantennale prevede tre CD, di cui uno contiene inediti e versioni "alternative" di alcune canzoni dell'album, per la prima volta disponibili al pubblico. L' album è stato accolto con molto favore dalla critica, raccogliendo recensioni molto lusinghieri, visto che da sempre è stato considerato un lavoro, che, sebbene non accompagnato da vendite esaltanti, contiene alcuni dei migliori momenti compositivi e sperimentali del periodo forse più creativo della carriera dei fratelli Gibb. Recensioni: Billboard, All Music Guide.

(Fonti: Times Online, Google News)

Saturday Night Fever starting to bubble up again

The Mamma Mia! phenomenon has shifted another £300 million into the Abba bank account. But what of their disco-era contemporaries, the Bee Gees? Thirty years after Saturday Night Fever, isn’t it time to revive one of pop’s most hit-packed catalogues for a new film?

“It’s developing as we speak. We are about to make some massive announcements,” Robin Gibb tells us before leading an all-star band, including Bill Wyman and Mel C, through a night of Bee Gee classics at a ball in Battersea to raise funds for the Outward Bound Trust.

Don’t dust off those white flares just yet though – the film won’t be a return to Night Fever. “It will include songs we wrote for other people, like Chain Reaction, Heartbreaker and Islands in the Stream,” Gibb said. He is now lobbying governments to protect songwriters’ royalties. “I am going to speak to Obama at the White House in June.” And the Bee Gee is offering GB the use of his mansion in Miami. “I have a lot of respect for Gordon Brown. Everyone needs a holiday.”

Robin Gibb still grieves for his twin brother Maurice

London, Jan 13 (ANI): Brit singer/songwriter Robin Gibb has still not gotten over the death of his twin brother Maurice Gibb. Maurice, who had been part of the Bee Gees, a band formed by his twin Robin and elder brother Barry, had died six years ago on January 12. Robin was looking pale and thin, as he flew into London from Los Angeles for a charity ball in aid of the Outward Bound Trust at the weekend. “Robin has not got over the death of his twin,” the Daily Express quoted his wife Dwina as saying. “It is something he will never get over. It is on-going really,” she added.

Odessa Deluxe edition out on 13 january

Review. Reprise/Rhino went all-out for their deluxe edition treatment of the Bee Gees' 1969 Odessa album. Disc one of the three-CD set has the album (originally a double LP) in its original mono mix; disc two presents it in its original stereo mix; and disc three, most excitingly for Bee Gees fans and collectors, offers 22 previously unreleased tracks (and one promotional radio spot). It goes without saying, perhaps, that this is a pretty specialized affair even by the standards of deluxe editions, especially as Odessa is not exactly considered a core classic late-'60s rock album by mainstream audiences. It has its merits, however, and even though ownership of both the stereo and mono CDs might not be considered essential by the average Bee Gees fan, fanatics will appreciate having both of them side by side (especially as the mono mixes were made available in the U.S. for the first time here).
The real interest, of course, lies in the abundant previously unreleased material. Most of this, it should be cautioned, consists of alternate versions/mixes and demos of songs that made it onto the album — in fact, there demos or alternate takes for every song from
Odessa besides "The British Opera" — although there are two previously unissued tunes, "Pity" and "Nobody's Someone," that didn't make it onto the album in any form. As is the case with alternates on many expanded/deluxe CDs, you'd never put these recordings on par with the officially released versions. Mostly they tend to confirm the Bee Gees' judgment as to what takes and arrangements were used on the final LP, with some obviously hesitant performances and a few songs lacking final lyrical polish. But there are some notable interesting differences in the batch, like the "You'll Never See My Face Again" minus orchestration; an early version of "Edison" with different lyrics, at that point titled "Barbara Came to Stay"; a much sparser, fairly rudimentary demo of "Melody Fair," one of the best and most famous songs on the album; "Never Say Never Again" with an up front heavy fuzz guitar that was erased from the finished master; a demo of "First of May" with nothing more than piano backing; and, perhaps most unexpectedly of all, a version of "With All Nations (International Anthem)" with lyrics, although the one on the official LP ended up being instrumental. As for the two songs with no counterparts on the actual Odessa album, "Nobody's Someone" is a characteristically pleasantly sad, rather sorrowful (if rather lightweight) Bee Gees original that was covered almost 30 years later by a virtually unknown artist named Andrew (no last name); "Pity" is a more upbeat midtempo piano-dominated number, but with a skeletal arrangement obviously in need of completion.
Thorough liner notes explain the origination of the tracks and the differences between the official and previously unreleased versions. Thus overall, this, like Reprise/Rhino's box set The Studio Albums 1967-1968 (which gives a similar expanded treatment to the three previous Bee Gees albums), is a valuable supplement to the group's standard '60s discography. It is a release, however, that will be somewhat limited in appeal to the general pop and rock audience, who might not have the patience to sort through all the multiple versions.

(Source: All Music Guide)

(di Enzo , 07/09/2009 @ 21:42:29 in Dal web, linkato 6608 volte)

robin_TSM Barry Gibb e Robin Gibb hanno annunciato la riunione dei Bee Gees in interviste separate.

Barry lo ha annunciato nel corso di un'intervista rilasciata alla radio neozelandese "Easymix" rilasciata lo scorso luglio a Manchester, ma trasmessa il primo di settembre in occasione del suo sessantatreesimo compleanno. Alla precisa domanda del giornalista Tim Roxborogh in merito alla natura della riunione con Robin, Barry ha espressamente detto "è una riunione sia familiare che professionale", ed ha confermato che i due fratelli scriveranno nuova musica insieme.

Robin Gibb, nel corso della trasmissione sportiva radiofonica della BBC "Test Match Special" (dedicata al cricket), ha confermato che i due fratelli si esibiranno di nuovo dal vivo come duo e che pochi giorni fa lui e Barry sono stati insieme a Miami. "Abbiamo attraversato una cascata di emozioni ed adesso possiamo andare oltre" . "Perdere qualcuno che ti è così vicino come Maurice è una cosa molto emozionale, anche perchè lui non era solo nostro fratello ma un vero e proprio compagno d'armi", ha detto Robin nel corso dell'intervista radiofonica. Nella foto: Robin Gibb durante l'intervista alla BBC registrata al famoso stadio del cricket "Lord's" di Londra.

(Fonti: Easymix, BBC, Digitalspy)

Barry and Robin confirm Bee Gees reunion

Barry and Robin have confirmed the upcoming Bee Gees reunion. "It's a familiar and professional reunion", stated Barry during the interview taped in Manchester on last july by the OZ radio "Easymix", aired on 1 september, (Barry's 63rd birthday"). "Robin and I will write together again", he also said.

Robin Gibb confirmed the reunion during a radio interview for the BBC "Test Match Special" cricket programme, at Lord's in London.

He said that six years after the death of his brother Maurice, the Bee Gees are going to re-form and play some live concerts again. "I've just been with my brother Barry in Miami and we have decided we are going to perform again". Robin admitted that it had been a tough few years but "we have just got through the breakwater of emotions and now we can go forward". He said Maurice, his twin, had been "not just a brother but a comrade in arms really". "It's an emotional thing when you lose someone that close."

(Sources: Easymix, BBC, Digitalspy)

(di Enzo , 08/10/2010 @ 21:21:54 in Dal web, linkato 3668 volte)

I fratelli Gibb: (da sinistra) Barry, Robin, Maurice ed Andy La canzone “Emotion”, scritta da Barry e Robin Gibb nel 1977, ha ricevuto il premio della BMI (Broadcast Music, Inc., associazione di autori simile alla SIAE italiana) per essere stata trasmessa nelle radio degli Stati Uniti per almeno quattro milioni di volte. Per quanto riguarda le canzoni scritte dai fratelli Gibb, soltanto altre due canzoni (“How deep is your love” e “To love somebody”) hanno ricevuto più ascolti: oltre cinque milioni.  

Nel database della BMI, relativamente alla sezione degli ascolti radiofonici, sono presenti più di 6 milioni e mezzo di canzoni. Soltanto 1500 tra loro hanno ricevuto più di un milione di ascolti (considerando le radio e le televisioni degli Stati Uniti). Un milione di ascolti (ovvero un milione di volte che la canzone è stata trasmessa via radio o TV) corrisponde approssimativamente a 50.000 ore di trasmissione o più di 5 anni e sette mesi di riproduzione continua.

Guardando l’elenco delle 29 canzoni dei fratelli Gibb  comprese in questo prestigioso elenco di 1500 canzoni (ovviamente sempre in evoluzione), si ha un’idea dell’immensa popolarità ed importanza (e se volete anche una misura del loro reddito in termini di diritti di autore) di Barry, Robin, Maurice ed Andy Gibb:

Oltre 5 milioni: ”How deep is your love”, “To love somebody”.
Oltre 4 milioni: “Emotion”, “How can you mend a broken heart”, “Islands in the stream”. 
Oltre 3 milioni:  “If I cant have you”, “Too much heaven”.
Oltre 2 milioni: “I just want to be your everything”, “Stayin’alive”, “Woman in love”.
Oltre 1 milione: “Come on over”, “Fanny (be tender with my love)”, “Grease”, “Guilty”,  “Heartbreaker”, “I've gotta get a message to you”, “I started a joke”,“Jive talkin”, “Lonely days”, “Love so right”, “Love is thicker than water”, “Massachusetts”, “More than a woman”, “Night fever”, “Nights on Broadway”, “(Our love) Don't throw it all away”,“Shadow dancing”, “What kind of fool”, “Words”.

(Fonte: BMI.com - Grazie a Juan Cristobal Guzman).

“Emotion” has received an BMI award for 4 million plays in the USA.  Only How Deep and To Love Somebody have more in the States.

Thie database section AIRPLAY contains the most performed songs in the BMI repertoire of more than 6.5 million works. Only about 1,500 titles have achieved "Million-Air" status, or more than 1 million United States radio and television performances. One million performances is the equivalent of approximately 50,000 broadcast hours, or more than 5.7 years of continuous airplay,a graphic reminder of the colossal and ongoing royalty income of the Gibb Brothers.

Over 5 million airplays: ”How deep is your love”, “To love somebody”.
Over 4 million airplays:  “Emotion”, “How can you mend a broken heart”, “Islands in the stream”
Over 3 million airplays: “If I cant have you”, “Too much heaven”.
Over 2 million airplays: “I just want to be your everything”, “Stayin’alive”, “Woman in love”.
Over 1 million airplays: “Come on over”, “Fanny (be tender with my love)”, “Grease”, “Guilty”,  “Heartbreaker”, “I've gotta get a message to you”, “I started a joke”,“Jive talkin”, “Lonely days”, “Love so right”, “Love is thicker than water”, “Massachusetts”, “More than a woman”, “Night fever”, “Nights on Broadway”, “(Our love) Don't throw it all away”,“Shadow dancing”, “What kind of fool”, “Words”.

(Source: BMI -  Special thanks to Juan Cristobal Guzman)

(di Enzo , 02/05/2006 @ 20:09:51 in Dal web, linkato 2394 volte)

Barry Gibb ha preso parte a Nashville al "Roy Orbison day", una cerimonia organizzata dalla città capitale della musica country.
La cerimonia ha visto la partecipazione di numerosi fans, del sindaco di Nashville e di due oratori d'eccezione: Barry Gibb e Ronnie Dunn (del famoso duo country "Brooks and Dunn".
Barry, da sempre grande fan di Orbison (come del resto Maurice & Robin), durante il suo intervento, ha dichiarato: "Non credo che io ed i miei fratelli avremmo mai fatto musica se non avessimo ascoltato la musica di Roy. Barry ha ricordato che ascoltò la prima canzone di Orbison ("Crying") quando era giovanissimo, in Australia, a Brisbane. "Devo avere questa canzone", pensò subito. "Da quel giorno ogni disco di Roy ha commosso il mio cuore e io so che ha commosso milioni di cuori in tutto il mondo.

(Fonte: royorbison.com)


NASHVILLE, TN -- Nashville Mayor Bill Purcell today recognized the life and legacy of singer/songwriter Roy Orbison by presenting a proclamation to his widow Barbara Orbison in front of RCA Studio B, where Roy recorded most of his biggest hits. The proclamation says that Roy Orbison "has made a significant cultural impact to the city of Nashville, the state of Tennessee and the entire world through his artistry as a singer and a songwriter". Over 200 fans and Nashville music industry luminaries attended the mid-day ceremony, including speakers Barry Gibb and Ronnie Dunn.

"Roy Orbison is a Music City legend, and today we celebrate his legacy," said Mayor Purcell. "This frankly is the perfect place to honor a legend who is an inspiration to so many others, and not just here in Music City but around the world."

"I think he would be thrilled," said Barbara. "At my company Still Working Music I don't think there's a day that goes by that somebody doesn't say something about Roy, or at a recording studio when somebody quotes something that Roy has done. And that is the best gift I think that you can give somebody, a timeless gift of remembering what they did really, really well."

Ronnie Dunn, of the smash country duo Brooks & Dunn, called Orbison "a very stylized artist, a superstar."

And Barry Gibb, of the world famous Bee Gees, said, "I don't think my brothers and I would have really made records if it hadn't been for listening to Roy Orbison." He recognized how far Orbison's music traveled, relating that he first heard "Crying" in Brisbane, Australia. "Every record that this man recorded since that day has touched my heart and I know touched millions of hearts all over the world."



Nashville Mayor, Music Legends, Recognize Roy Orbison's "Passion, Commitment and Achievements."

(di Enzo , 29/12/2006 @ 20:08:36 in Dal web, linkato 2186 volte)

Il Primo Ministro britannico Tony Blair e la sua famiglia sono ospiti nella villa di Robin Gibb a Miami, dove passeranno un periodo di vacanze per la fine dell'anno. Robin e Dwina Gibb li raggiungeranno il 31 dicembre. Doveva essere una vacanza privata, e quindi la notizia non era destinata ai media. La stampa inglese, invece, venuta a sapere del viaggio a Miami a causa di un incidente tecnico all'atterraggio dell'aereo sul quale viaggiavano i Blair,  si è subito scatenata, speculando sul fatto che a quanto pare è abitudine di Blair essere ospitati gratuitamente nelle dimore di personaggi ricchi e famosi. Un portavoce del Primo Ministro si è affrettato a dichiarare che i Blair hanno regolarmente pagato, in base ad un accordo privato. Ma la moglie di Robin lo ha smentito, dichiarando: "Non stanno pagando, siamo amici, è una cosa fra amici. Loro hanno il loro staff e se lo portano appresso, è una cosa che abbiamo organizzato insieme...
(Fonte: Mirror.co.uk - Reuters )


LONDON (Reuters) - Tony Blair's office defended his holiday at the U.S. mansion of pop star Robin Gibb, saying on Thursday the prime minister had paid for the stay.
The Conservatives and newspapers savaged Blair over his year-end break at the Bee Gees star's luxurious Florida home, demanding to know whether it was costing taxpayers money or if Blair was enjoying a free holiday.
The Daily Mail printed a front-page story about the visit under the headline "Shameless" and asked in an editorial: "Is any degradation too deep for Tony Blair in his quest for a glitzy family holiday on the cheap?" Blair's Downing Street office declined to give any details about the prime minister's holiday but a spokeswoman said: "There is a private commercial arrangement in place".
The Daily Mail quoted Gibb's wife Dwina as saying that the couple had neither asked for nor accepted money from Blair, who it said was relaxing at the 5.2 million pound seafront mansion with wife Cherie and three of their children. A similar house would cost up to 40,000 pounds a week to rent, reports said.
Newspapers said the visit raised concerns of a possible conflict of interest as Gibb has lobbied ministers to extend copyright laws to allow performers to profit from their hits for longer.
The controversy over his holiday comes as Blair is embroiled in a party funding scandal. Police questioned Blair this month in an investigation into allegations that state honours were handed out in return for loans to his party.
Blair has been in office for more than nine years but he has said he will step down next year as his popularity slumped over his support for the Iraq war and government scandals.
It is not the first time Blair has drawn fire over his holidays with the rich and famous. He has stayed several times at singer Cliff Richard's Barbados mansion and has visited the Sardinian villa of former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.
Blair has in the past made donations to charity to cover the cost of hospitality he has received.
Conservative MP Chris Grayling told The Daily Telegraph that Blair's holiday raised questions about how Blair conducted himself. "We need very clear details on who is paying for this holiday or whether it is a 'freebie'," he said.
Blair's Florida visit only came to light because of a safety scare at Miami airport. The Boeing 747 carrying Blair and his family missed a runway exit on arrival from London on Tuesday, prompting emergency vehicles to rush to the scene.
The Sun newspaper ran the story on its front page under the headline "Stayin' Alive", echoing the title of the 1970s hit from the Bee Gees.

(di Enzo , 11/01/2006 @ 19:22:47 in Dal web, linkato 2302 volte)

Secondo quanto riporta il sito del Barnet Times , Barry Gibb ha appena scritto insieme al suo grande amico David English una canzone country ("Song for Davey"), dedicata al figlio undicenne di English, David Jr.  "
E' il mio migliore amico, lo conosco da tantissimi anni ed è un grande uomo. E'  mio fratello", ha dichiarato David English per descrivere il rapporto che lo lega a Barry Gibb.
Fonte: (Barnet Times )

"Brotherly Bee Gee makes sweet music"

Music mogul David English is fresh from Miami after another epic recording session with Bee Gee Barry Gibb.
Bearded Mr Gibb enlisted the help of his old friend, who managed the Bee Gees in the 1970s, to write new country tune, "Song for Davey", inspired by David's 11-year-old son, David English Junior.
Junior is, no doubt, thrilled.Mr English, of Nan Clark's Lane, Mill Hill, flew to America still celebrating his appointment as president of Finchley Cricket Club at the end of December.
And it seems Mr Gibb is quite enamoured with the humble cricket bat, as shown by this picture of him clutching one signed by members of Bunbury Cricket Club the celebrity team he founded to play charity matches.
On his visit to America, Messrs English and Gibb enjoyed making beautiful music and working on a film screenplay. Mr English said: "He is my best friend, I have known him for many years and he is a great man he is my brother."  (Source: Barnet Times )

(di Enzo , 11/07/2009 @ 18:53:21 in Dal web, linkato 5497 volte)

Robin & Barry in Douglas Un riconoscimento ai 50 anni di carriera ed a tutto quello che hanno fatto per l'Isola di Man. Ecco il motivo del conferimento a Barry, Robin e Maurice Gibb dell'onorificienza "Freemen of the Borough" , che in passato fu attribuita a personaggi del calibro di Winston Churchill.

I fratelli Gibb sono nati nell'isola e nel corso della loro carriera varie volte hanno svolto attivita benefica a favore di iniziative di beneficienza a favore di istituzioni dell'Isola di Man. Robin ha recentemente acquistato nell'sola una tenuta ed ha dichiarato che il titolo del suo prossimo album sarà "50 St Catherine's Drive", l'indirizzo della casa dove sono nati i tre Gibb a Douglas, capoluogo dell'isola.

(Fonte: Douglas Borough Conseil online e robingibb.com)

Bee Gees receive honorary Freedom of the Borough

Douglas Borough Council has conferred the honorary Freedom of the Borough on Barry, Robin and the late Maurice Gibb – collectively one of the world’s most famous vocal groups, the Bee Gees.
The conferment ceremony was held in the Council Chamber of Douglas Town Hall on Friday July 10, attended by Barry and Robin Gibb, their mother Barbara and members of the Gibb family during a special meeting of the full Council.
Barry and Robin Gibb were met at the Town Hall by the Chief Executive Kathy Rice and Council Leader David Christian. While in reception the guests were treated to a song – Roll Away by Davy Knowles of Back Door Slam - performed by children from Ballacottier School who had assembled outside the Town Hall, which proved a poignant opening to the proceedings and clearly delighted the distinguished guests.
The Mayor of Douglas Councillor Michael Gelling welcomed Barry and Robin Gibb and their family to the Council Chamber, following which Council Leader David Christian delivered his proposer’s speech. He said the day would be remembered as a ‘milestone’ in the history of the Council, for the honorary Freedom of the Borough to be conferred on three brothers who not only had made such a major contribution to popular music over the past 50 years but also had never forgotten the land of their birth, the Isle of Man. 
He continued: ‘The Gibb brothers have always taken every opportunity to speak of their Manx roots and of their deep affection for the Island that was their home in early childhood.’
Speaking of the Gibb brothers’ ties with the Island Councillor Christian explained all three were born in Douglas and had lived with their late father Hugh and mother Barbara in and around the capital in their youth.  He explained how music had figured in their lives from an early age. Hugh Gibb had been a drummer and bandleader who, like his sons were to do many years later, played to packed houses in Douglas.
Later the family moved to Manchester then emigrated to Australia, ‘and the rest,’ said Councillor Christian, ‘is history’.
He said the Bee Gees’ musical accomplishments were legion. They held multiple Grammy and Ivor Novello awards and in 1997 were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.  In addition, Robin Gibb had accepted a lifetime achievement award on behalf of the Bee Gees at the 2008 Isle of Man Newspapers’ Awards for Excellence ceremony.
Councillor Christian said: ‘Barry, Robin and Maurice - with their international profile and legendary status in rock and roll history - could not have been better ambassadors for the Isle of Man. Their recording of Ellan Vannin helped raise thousands of pounds for Manx charities and even now, following the sad passing of Maurice, Barry and Robin continue - at every opportunity - to raise awareness of the Isle of Man to a truly global audience.’
Seconding Councillor Christian’s proposal, Councillor Mrs Raina Chatel said: ‘ That these three brothers created so much wonderful music has earned them a place in history. That these three brothers should have been such wonderful ambassadors for the Isle of Man has earned them a place in our hearts.’
As honorary Freemen of the Borough of Douglas the Bee Gees join an illustrious roll call, one that includes Sir Winston Churchill, Sir Norman Wisdom, His Honour Deemster Jack Corrin CBE, Geoff Duke OBE, three former Mayors of Douglas , George Chatel MBE, Inkerman Faragher and Fred Kennish, and also one of the world’s finest road racing cyclists, Manxman Mark Cavendish.
The framed vellum commemorating the conferment of the honorary Freedom of the Borough of Douglas presented by the Mayor was designed and created in calligraphy by local artist Colleen Corlett.
Accepting the vellum, Robin Gibb thanked Douglas Borough Council for conferring the honour, which he said: “was very humbling”, adding he was proud to be Manx. 
Barry Gibb expressed his thanks for the wonderful honour and spoke of his childhood memories, in particular, “the magnificent smell of the sea surrounding the Island, which is like nowhere else in the world.” 
Following the ceremony Barry and Robin Gibb and their immediate family met briefly with the Mayor and Members of the Council before leaving to continue filming footage in Douglas that will form part of their 50th anniversary documentary.

(Source: Douglas Borough Conseil online & robingibb.com)


MythLa Reprise Records pubblicherà il prossimo 3 novembre due raccolte per festeggiare il cinquantesimo anno di carriera dei Bee Gees.

Si tratta di "Mythology", un boxset di 4 cd e del doppio cd "Ultimate Bee Gees".

I 4 CD di "Mythology" saranno dedicati a ciascuno dei 4 fratelli Gibb (Barry, Robin, Maurice ed, Andy sebbene quest'ultimo non sia mai stato un componente del gruppo. "E' il cinquantesimo anno dei Bee Gees. E per Bee Gees io intendo tutti e 4 i fratelli", spiega Barry Gibb, secondo il quale i quattro cd contengono le canzoni preferite da ognuno di loro. La playlist del cd dedicato a Maurice è stata scelta dalla vedova Yvonne e dai figli Adam e Samantha, mentre le canzoni che compongono il disco dedicato ad Andy sono state scelte dalla figlia Peta.

Il CD di Maurice contiene due inediti, “Angel Of Mercy” e “The Bridge”, mentre il CD di Andy contiene l'inedito “Arrow through The Heart.” Le tre canzoni sono state ascoltate varie volte dai fan dei Gibb ed esistono varie versioni in numerosi bootleg, ma "Mythology" segnerà la loro prima pubblicazione ufficiale.

Il booklet che accompagna il cofanetto contiene foto di famiglia e tributi da parte di Elton John, Graham Nash (Crosby,Stills, Nash &Young), George Martin (il leggendario produttore dei Beatles), Brian Wilson (Beach Boys) e del loro primo manager Robert Stigwood.

La tracklist di "Mythology":

Disco 1 (Barry): Spirits (Having Flown), You Win Again, Jive Talkin', To Love Somebody, Tragedy, Too Much Heaven, First Of May, More Than A Woman, Love So Right, Night Fever, Words, Don't Forget To Remember, If I Can't Have You, Alone, Heartbreaker, How Deep Is Your Love, Love You Inside And Out, Stayin' Alive, Barker Of The UFO, Swan Song, Spicks & Specks
Disco 2 (Robin): I Am The World, New York Mining Disaster, I Can't See Nobody, Holiday, Massachusetts, Sir Geoffrey Saved The World, And The Sun Will Shine, The Singer Sang His Song, I've Gotta Get A Message To You,  I Started A Joke, Odessa, Saved By The Bell (solo), My World, Run To Me, Love Me, Juliet (solo), The Longest Night, Fallen Angel, Rings Around The Moon, Embrace, Islands In The Stream
Disco 3 (Maurice): Man In The Middle,  Closer Than Close, Dimensions, House Of Shame, Suddenly, Railroad (solo), Overnight, It's Just The Way, Lay It On Me, Trafalgar, Omega Man, Walking On Air, Country Woman, Angel Of Mercy, Above And Beyond, Hold Her In Your Hand (solo), You Know It's For You, Wildflower, On Time, The Bridge
Disco 4 (Andy): Shadow Dancing, I Just Want To Be Your Everything, (Love Is) Thicker Than Water, An Everlasting Love, Desire, (Our Love) Don't throw It All Away, Flowing Rivers, Words And Music, I Can't Help It (with Olivia Newton-John), Time Is Time, Me (Without You), After Dark, Warm Ride, Too Many Looks In Your Eyes, Man On Fire, Arrow through The Heart, Starlight, Dance To The Light Of The Morning, In The End


50 Logo"Ultimate Bee Gees: The 50th Anniversary Collection" è invece un doppio CD che contiene una selezione di successi di tutte le decadi della carriera dei Bee Gees, ed un medley dal vivo di alcune canzone scritte dai Gibb per altri artisti. La versione "deluxe" della raccolta conterrà un DVD con video inediti dei Bee Gees (speciali televisivi, interviste e video promozionali).

La traclist di "Ultimate Bee Gees: The 50th Anniversary Collection" (potrebbe subire delle modifiche, ancora non è definitiva):

Disco 1 – “A Night Out” : You Should Be Dancing, Stayin’ Alive, Jive Talkin’, Night Fever, Nights On Broadway, More Than A Woman, Tragedy,  Love You Inside & Out, You Win Again, Boogie Child, One, Secret Love, Alone, This Is Where I Came In, Spirits Having Flown, Fanny (Be Tender With My Love), Still Waters (Run Deep), If I Can’t Have You, Spicks & Specks,

Disco 2 – “A Night In” : How Deep Is Your Love, Emotion, Too Much Heaven, New York Mining Disaster 1941, To Love Somebody, Holiday, Massachusetts, Words, World, For Whom The Bell Tolls, First Of May, I Started A Joke, Love So Right, Lonely Days, How Can You Mend A Broken Heart, Run To Me, I’ve Gotta Get A Message To You, The Singer Sang His Song, Don’t Forget To Remember, Medley
(Islands In The Stream, Heartbreaker, Guilty, Immortality, Grease).

(Fonti: beegees.combarrygibb.com , robingibb.com , billboard.com )

Bee Gees' 50th Anniversary Inspires Two New Collections

The Bee Gees' 50th anniversary will be celebrated with a pair of retrospective packages on Nov. 3 from Reprise.
"Mythology" is a four-disc box set curated and produced by surviving Bee Gees Barry and Robin Gibb that will dedicate one disc each to the three brothers in the group, including the late Maurice Gibb, and one to their late younger brother Andy Gibb. Maurice's wife and three children chose the tracks for his disc, while Andy's daughter Peta chose the 19 songs for his section of the package.
Barry Gibb notes that the 81 selections represent "pretty much our personal favorites," and Robin and Maurice's discs will each feature solo tracks as well as Bee Gees songs. Barry's disc, meanwhile, is loaded up with hits such as "Jive Talkin'," "Stayin' Alive," "Night Fever," "Spirits (Having Flown)," "More Than a Woman" an "Tragedy." The accompanying booklet includes family photos and tributes from Elton John, Brian Wilson, Graham Nash, George Martin and Robert Stigwood, the Bee Gees' longtime manager and label boss.
Coming out the same day is "The Ultimate Bee Gees: The 50th Anniversary Collection," a more modest two-disc, 39-track set that closes with a live medley of songs the trio wrote for others -- including "Islands in the Stream," "Heartbreaker," "Guilty," "Immortality" and the theme song for "Grease." A deluxe edition of "The Ultimate Bee Gees" will come with a DVD featuring videos and TV appearances, many unreleased, from throughout the group's career. (Source:

Reprise Honors Barry, Maurice, Robin, And Andy Gibb With MYTHOLOGY, A Four-Disc Boxed Set That Features A Disc Dedicated To Each Brother.

MYTHOLOGY Features Two Previously Unreleased Maurice Gibb Tracks, And One Previously Unreleased Track By Andy Gibb .Simultaneous Release Of ULTIMATE BEE GEES: THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY COLLECTION, A Double-Disc Career Retrospective; Also Available As Deluxe Edition With DVD Of Previously Unreleased Footage.

Both Available From Reprise November 3

(Los Angeles, July 16, 2009) — As members of both The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Songwriters Hall of Fame, winners of both the Lifetime Achievement (2000) and Legend Awards (2003) from the Recording Academy, seven Grammy® Awards, BMI Icon Award, and a Lifetime Achievement Award at the 1997 Brit Awards, it’s hard to overstate the significance of what the Bee Gees accomplished in the 50 years since brothers Barry, Robin, and the late Maurice Gibb began calling themselves the Bee Gees. To celebrate the Bee Gees’ golden anniversary, Reprise honors the singing siblings with a pair of special releases: a four-disc boxed set and a career retrospective that includes a DVD of previously unreleased footage in the deluxe edition. MYTHOLOGY and a ULTIMATE BEE GEES: THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY COLLECTION will both be available worldwide on November 3, at all retail outlets, including www.BeeGees.com, for a suggested list price of $54.98 (CD) and $39.99 (digital) for MYTHOLOGY, and $24.98 (deluxe with DVD), $19.98 (standard CD), and $19.99 (digital) for the THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY COLLECTION. Curated and produced by Barry and Robin Gibb, MYTHOLOGY contains four discs, each spotlighting a different Gibb brother, including one dedicated to Andy, who was not part of the group. The songs were chosen by Barry, Robin, Maurice’s widow Yvonne (and their children Adam & Samantha) and Andy’s daughter Peta. “These are pretty much our personal favorites,” Barry explains in the liner notes. “This is now the Bee Gees 50th Anniversary. And by the Bee Gees I mean all four brothers.” “I always see our songs as ‘just us brothers’ having a good time,” adds Robin Gibb. “When I look back now, it is more about the journey, not the arrival.” MYTHOLOGY also features a scrapbook of family photos, many never-before published, along with tributes from artists such as George Martin, Brian Wilson, Elton John, Graham Nash, and the band’s longtime manager Robert Stigwood. Spanning the Bee Gees’ five-decade career, the set’s 81 tracks touch on several of the group’s best-known hits. But mainly, the collection digs into the Bee Gees’ vast catalog to highlight deep tracks such as the early single “Spicks And Specks” (1966); the title track from the 1969 concept album Odessa; the single B-side “Country Woman” (1971); “Spirits Having Flown” (1979), the title track from the 35 million-selling album; “Overnight” (1987) from the multi-platinum ESP; “Closer Than Close” (1997) from Still Waters; and “Man In The Middle” (2001) from the Bee Gees 20th and final studio album before Maurice’s passing in 2003. MYTHOLOGY also features the debut of a pair of previously unreleased Maurice Gibb tracks: “Angel Of Mercy” and “The Bridge.” The final disc spotlights Andy Gibb, who was not a member of Bee Gees, but worked with his brothers throughout his career before his death in 1988 at the age of 30. Notably, Andy’s first 3 singles all went to #1 in the US, a feat that had never been previously accomplished. The compilation opens with “Shadow Dancing” (1978), a #1 smash cowritten by all four brothers that appeared on Andy’s second album. Nearly all of the songs from his 1977 debut Flowing Rivers are featured, including the back-to-back #1 singles: “I Just Want To Be Your Everything” and “(Love Is) Thicker Than Water.” The set contains “I Can’t Help It,” a duet with Olivia Newton-John that cracked the Top 20 and several tracks from his final studio album After Dark (1980), including the Top 10 single “Desire.” MYTHOLOGY also marks the debut of “Arrow through The Heart,” a song Andy recorded shortly before his death that was intended for a comeback album.

ULTIMATE BEE GEES: THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY COLLECTION is the second release celebrating the Bee Gees’ 50-year anniversary. The two-disc set features the many hits and chart-topping singles, plus their performances of a selection of hit songs they wrote for others. The DVD, available in the deluxe edition, offers a treasury of unreleased videos, spanning the Bee Gees’ entire career with previously unreleased television appearances, live performances, and promo videos.

(Sources:  beegees.combarrygibb.com , robingibb.com )

(di Enzo , 05/04/2007 @ 18:03:54 in Dal web, linkato 1855 volte)
"La competizione era intensa. Credo che i dissapori non siano mai realmente spariti del tutto. Avrei preferito restare da solo".
Sono alcune dichiarazioni rilasciate da Barry Gibb durante un intervista radiofonica andata in onda tre giorni fa su BBC Radio 2.
L'intervista è inclusa nella prima parte dello special dedicato alla storia della musica dei Bee Gees, intitolato "You win again". Il documentario radiofonico, realizzato dal giornalista Paul Gambuccini, contiene interviste rilasciate da Barry e Robin, piene di interessanti riflessioni sulla loro produzione musicale , ed una rara intervista al loro storico manager Robert Stigwood ed al primo manager in assoluto dei Gibb, Bill Gates. Sono presenti commenti da parte di Ronan Keating e Kenny Rogers. Lo show è articolato in due puntate, che percorrono tutta la carriera musicale dei Gibb. La seconda parte andrà in onda il prossimo 10 aprile.
Le dichiarazioni di Barry sono davvero sorprendenti, considerando che (anche nella biografia autorizzata) lui stesso ha sempre dichiarato di essere stato profondamente deluso ed amareggiato di vedere che in realtà era stato "abbandonato dai Bee Gees".
Fonte: "Words" mailing list e BBC Radio)
The competition was intense. I feel the bad feelings have never really disappeared. I would be content to be left alone".
These are some of the statements made by Barry during the radio interview aired three days ago by BBC Radio 2.
The interview is included in "You Win Again", a two-episode special about the history of the Bee Gees music. The second part of the show will be aired on april 10. The documentary, conducted by BBC journalist Paul Gambuccini, hosts the story of the music of the Bee Gees, drawing mainly on new and reflective interviews with Barry and Robin, along with a rare, new interview with impresario Robert Stigwood.
Also featured comments by Kenny Rogers, Ronan Keating and other artists.
Barry's declarations are very surprising, in consideration that he always stated (also in the "Authorized biography") he was disappointed to know "the Bee Gees left him alone"...
Source: "Words" mailing list e
BBC Radio)
(di Enzo , 29/09/2008 @ 18:01:19 in Dal web, linkato 1945 volte)

Robin Gibb si esibirà dal vivo per beneficienza a Douglas, Isola di Man (il luogo dove lui ed i suoi fratelli sono nati), il prossimo 18 novembre.
L'incasso del concerto sarà devoluto a favore dell'Ospizio dei bambini dell'Isola.
I biglietti del concerto sono disponibili online, nel sito ufficiale di "Villa Marina", il luogo dove avrà luogo lo spettacolo.
Secondo quanto dichiarato dallo stesso Robin nella newsletter ufficiale, dovrebbe trattarsi dell'ultima esibizione del 2008, almeno per quanto riguarda i concerti interamente eseguiti da Robin e la sua band.
Infatti, a novembre e dicembre, Robin parteciperà in Germania agli eventi della serie "Night of the proms", insieme ai Tears for Fears, Kim Wilde, 10cc, ed a Dennys De Young (Stix).
L'idea di "Night of the proms" (nata nel 1985 in Belgio) consiste fondamentalmente nell'incontro tra la musica classica e la musica pop.
Lo spettacolo è composto dalle esibizioni di artisti pop e rock, accompagnati da un'orchestra di musica classica, da una rock-band "elettrica" e da un coro, (con arrangiamenti ad hoc), che si alternano con momenti dedicati esclusicamente alla musica classica. Il tutto è accompagnato da suggestivi effetti visuali presenti nella scenografia dello show.
"Night of the proms" si svolge in Francia, Spagna, Belgio, Olanda e Germania (dove Robin fa appunto parte del cast).
Nelle passate edizioni hanno preso parte a queste manifestazioni artisti prestigiosi (e molto diversi fra loro), come Andrea Bocelli, Joe Cocker, Al Jarreau, Zucchero, Sting, Bryan Ferry, Roger Daltrey, i Toto e gli UB40.
Nel corso delle "Nights of proms", Robin canterà quattro canzoni, accompagnato, tra gli altri, dall'orchestra classica "Il novecento", diretta da Robert Groslot.
I biglietti per tutta la serie degli show sono disponibili online su www.eventim.de
Ecco le date ed i luoghi degli spettacoli:
28.11.2008: Colonia, Koelnarena
29.11.2008: Colonia, Koelnarena
30.11.2008: Oberhausen, Arena
02.12.2008: Mannheim, SAP Arena
03.12.2008: Francoforte, Festhalle
04.12.2008: Francoforte, Festhalle
05.12.2008: Dortmund, Westfalenhalle
06.12.2008: Dortmund, Westfalenhalle
07.12.2008: Erfurt, Messehalle
09.12.2008: Stoccarda, Schleyerhalle
11.12.2008: Monaco, Olympiahalle
12.12.2008: Monaco, Olympiahalle
13.12.2008: Monaco, Olympiahalle
14.12.2008: Monaco, Olympiahalle
16.12.2008: Brema, AWD Dome
17.12.2008: Hannover, TUI Arena
19.12.2008: Berlino, O2 World
20.12.2008: Amburgo, Color Line Arena
21.12.2008: Amburgo, Color Line Arena

(Fonti: www.robingibb.com, www.notp.com, www.gov.im e www.eventim.de )

"Robin: live in Douglas and for the "Nights of the proms"

Robin Gibb and his band will give a concert in Douglas, on the Isle of Man, (Brothers Gibb's birthplace) on 18 november 2008.
The concert will take place at the Villa Marina and proceeds of the evening will go to the island's Children's Hospice.
Tickets for the show go on sale later this week via the venue's box office and website. This is Robin's last full concert this year, in fact he will appear in the German leg of "Night of the proms" shows, where is expected to sing four songs, backed by a classical orchestra, a choir and an electric band. Other artists included in the line-up of these shows are: Tears for Fears, Kim Wilde, 10cc, and Dennys De Young (Stix).
Night of the Proms is one of the most visited and most attractive musical events in Belgium and in Europe. It takes the audience on a journey through rousing and familiar classical repertoire, timeless pop classics, sing-along tunes and get-up-and-dance music, all of this backed by a mind-blowing visual and aural setting.
Since 1985, more than 7 million visitors attended the shows and witnessed many unforgettable musical moments. Artists such as Zucchero, Sting, Bryan Ferry, UB40, Chrissie Hynde, Al Jarreau, and Toto, and many, many others have been accompanied by the Night of the Proms’ orchestra and choir.
Here are the dates and the venues of the shows in Germany:
28.11.2008: Koln, Koelnarena
29.11.2008: Koln, Koelnarena
30.11.2008: Oberhausen, Arena
02.12.2008: Mannheim, SAP Arena
03.12.2008: Frankfurt, Festhalle
04.12.2008: Frankfurt, Festhalle
05.12.2008: Dortmund, Westfalenhalle
06.12.2008: Dortmund, Westfalenhalle
07.12.2008: Erfurt, Messehalle
09.12.2008: Stuttgard, Schleyerhalle
11.12.2008: Munich, Olympiahalle
12.12.2008: Munich, Olympiahalle
13.12.2008: Munich, Olympiahalle
14.12.2008: Munich, Olympiahalle
16.12.2008: Bremen, AWD Dome
17.12.2008: Hannover, TUI Arena
19.12.2008: Berlin, O2 World
20.12.2008: Hamburg, Color Line Arena
21.12.2008: Hamburg, Color Line Arena

(Sources: www.robingibb.com, www.notp.com, www.gov.im e www.eventim.de )

(di Enzo , 13/03/2010 @ 17:54:44 in Dal web, linkato 2240 volte)

event_1594 Robin Gibb torna alle sue attività personali, dopo alcuni mesi dedicati ai Bee Gees (le apparizioni televisive e le interviste promozionali per promuovere "Ultimate Bee Gees, e il lavoro di pre-produzione del musical dedicato alla storia ed alla vita dei fratelli Gibb).

Robin ha annunciato (tramite robingibb.com) che riprenderà le sue attività con le associazioni di beneficienza di cui fa parte e che in Agosto farà alcuni concerti dal vivo.

I concerti annunciati alla data odierna (attualmente programmati solo in Germania) sono tre, ma in realtà Robin ne ha confermato un quarto, che verrà annunciato nei prossimi giorni.

Le date confermate sono le seguenti:

7 agosto 2010  : Mainz (concerto gratuito nel corso di un festival) - Clicca per dettagli (N.B.: la pagina sarà aggiornata a breve) -  27 agosto 2010: Lipsia (Leipzig), Parkbühne  - 28 agosto 2010: Dresda (Dresden), Filmnächte am Elbufer. 
(I biglietti in per Lipsia e Dresda sono in vendita online: www.eventim.de oppure www.mawi-concert.de )

(Fonte: robingibb.com)

Robin returns to perform live

Robin Gibb returns to his personal activities, after several months dedicated to the Bee Gees (the promotional television and radio appearances  and interviews to promote "Ultimate Bee Gees, and the work of pre-production of the musical featuring the history and life of the brothers Gibb).
Robin has announced (via robingibb.com) that he will resume its activities with the charities to which it belongs and that in August he and his will make some live concerts.
The shows announced at today's date (currently scheduled in Germany alone) are three, but in reality, Robin has already confirmed a fourth, which will be announced in coming days.
The confirmed dates are as follows:
August 7, 2010: Mainz (free concert during a festival) - Click for details (NB: the page will be updated soon)
August 27, 2010: Leipzig (Leipzig), Parkbühne - August 28, 2010: Dresden (Dresden), Filmnächte am Elbufer
(Tickets to Leipzig and Dresden are for sale online: www.eventim.de or www.mawi-concert.de)

(Source: robingibb.com)

(di Enzo , 27/01/2007 @ 16:11:30 in Dal web, linkato 1897 volte)

Robin in IsraeleRobin Gibb è stato ospite della trasmissione TV israeliana "The Successor", ed ha cantato dal vivo "How deep is your love".  (Guarda il video su youtube)
La trasmissione è a cura famoso sensitivo Uri Geller, amico di Robin da molti anni. Durante la sua permanenza in Israele, Robin ha avuto la possibilità di fare un piccolo tour del paese e di incontrare il ministro del turismo israeliano Isaac Herzog. Uri Geller ha dichiarato:"Robin è venuto in Israele per cantare nel mio show e tutto Israele è impazzito per lui. Questa è la misura di un amicizia: arrivava da Miami ed ha preso al volo una coincidenza da Heathrow! Ha messo tantissima energia nella sua esibizione. Era entusiasta, vuole ritornare per fare un tour in tutta la nazione: sto contattando per lui i maggiori promoter delle migliori arene e siamo nel mezzo delle trattative..."
Fonte: Uri-geller.com

Robin Gibb flew in to perform How Deep Is Your Love, and the whole of Israel went wild for him. That’s the measure of a true friend — he flew all the way from Florida to sing on my show, jetting to Heathrow and scrambling to catch his connecting flight in just 35 minutes. I’m in awe at how much energy he put in to making his appearance. Robin enjoyed his flying visit so much, he wants to return for a national tour. I’ve called promoters at the biggest arenas and stadiums in the country and we’re deep in discussions — in fact, we’re j-j-j-jivetalking...

(di Enzo , 12/04/2007 @ 15:56:23 in Dal web, linkato 2063 volte)
Robin Gibb ha partecipato ieri alla cerimonia di gala per l'assegnazione dell'Energy Globe Awards, riconoscimento internazionale che premia progetti per l'energia alternativa.
L'edizione 2007 si è svolta a Bruxelles, nella sede del Parlamento Europea.
Robin ha consegnato uno dei premi (categoria Youth, patrocinio continente Oceania) ed ha cantato "How deep is your love"
Fonte: Energy Globe
For the first time a TV-Show takes place at and is broadcast from the European Parliament in Brussels. Reason for this “miracle”: the ENERGY GLOBE Award. 732 projects from 96 countries were submitted in the categories Earth, Fire, Water, Air and Youth. Under the Chairmanship of Maneka Ghandi, an Indian environmentalist and politician, the international Jury awarded the following projects:
Category Earth: John Maina from Kenya for implementing solar energy ovens for drying vegetables and fruits. Thus local farmers are able to increase their harvest by 50% without harming the environment.
Category Fire: The UNEP Risoe Center and the Risoe National Laboratory Denmark for launching a four-year plan for establishing over 16000 solar homes in India together with Danish support and local Indian funding.
Category Water: Jerry M. Brownstein for developing a very effective waste water treatment, using a special water filter, made of recycled plastics for gaining drinking water from waste water.
Category Air: Reindert Augustijn for inventing small Biogas plants helping to reduce annual CO2 emissions up to 54000 tons and role models for another 150000 plants.
Category Youth: University of Art/Linz for inventing a new solar passive house in South Africa, which is able to provide an indoor temperature level of 20 degrees independently from outdoor temperature using a natural air condition system.
National Award: Goes to the host country Belgium for sensitively changing a historical old private house into an energy saving building.
ENERGY GLOBE Founder Wolfgang Neumann: The awarded projects are excellent role models to the whole world! If we don’t blame others and start taking action, all goals to protect the environment are within reach!
The environmentalist is supported by celebrities from all over the world: Hollywood-star Martin Sheen, film director Emilio Estevez, author and Waris Dirie, pop singer Robin Gibb, star violinist Nigel Kennedy, the Indian environmentalist Maneka Ganddi and the President of the European Parliament Mr. Hans-Gert Poettering.
The awards’ presentation show is broadcast by the German tv network 3Sat (on TV: Sunday, 15 April, 11.30 a.m. – 1.00 p.m., moderation: Mrs. Desiré Nosbusch. The gala will be broadcast by international tv stations throughout the world and can be seen by a record number of 3,4 billion tv viewers around the world.
(di Enzo , 30/09/2008 @ 15:38:43 in Dal web, linkato 2746 volte)

Secondo quanto ha rivelato Sharleen Spiteri (ex cantante dei Texas) in un'intervista rilasciata al quotidiano scozzese "Sunday Mail", Barry Gibb avrebbe declinato il suo invito di scrivere per una canzone a causa dei suoi problemi di salute.
"Volevo fare un pezzo per il mio ultimo album, Melody, con Barry Gibb dei Bee Gees, ma lui soffre terribilmente di artrite alla schiena, e quindi non se ne è fatto nulla".
La Spiteri, ex-voce solista dei Texas, si esibirà il prossimo 25 ottobre a Londra con Robin Gibb per un evento commemorativo dei 30 anni dell'ascesa alla vetta delle chart UK della colonna sonora della "Febbre del sabato sera". L'evento è previsto all'interno del prestigioso festival "BBC Electric Proms 2008".
Secondo quanto dichiarato dalla stessa artista scozzese, canterà "If I can't have you" e "How deep is your love".
Robin sarà in compagnia della Spiteri, ma anche di altri artisti come Ronan Keating e Stephen Gateley (ex Boyzone che in questi giorni hanno confermato la loro presenza all'evento) Sam Sparro, Gabriella Cilmi, e Bryn Christopher.
Nel corso della stessa intervista la Spiteri non ha nascosto la sua profonda ammirazione per i Bee Gees e per il loro sconfinato catalogo di successi.
"Ero troppo piccola per vedere il film, ma ho sempre amato quella colonna sonora. Quando Robin Gibb mi ha chiesto di cantare con lui ai BBC proms ho accettato immediatamente. Sono sempre stata una grande fan dei Bee Gees. Stare sul palcoscenico con Robin sarà spettacolare, un sogno che si avvera".
Nel corso della loro carriera i Texas, il gruppo di cui era cantante solista Sharleen Spiteri, hanno raggiunto per ben tre volte la vetta delle classifiche di vendita degli album in UK. Sharleen ha appena pubblicato il suo primo album solista, intitolato "Melody"
"Credo che non esista persona al mondo che non conosce almeno una delle canzoni dei Bee Gees di "Saturday Night Fever", ha aggiunto la Spiteri, e "anche se i Bee Gees avevano un'immagine discutibile (medagioni e capelli al vento), sicuramente hanno scritto canzoni brillanti e credo che non gli importasse un "bel niente" di quello che pensava la gente, mentre vendevano milioni di dischi..."
(Fonte: Sunday Mail)

"Sharleen Spiteri on her Saturday Night Fever dream"

Sharleen has revealed she has waited 30 years to recreate John Travolta's famous "funky chicken" dance from Saturday Night Fever. The Texas singer became hooked on the 1977 disco movie - featuring hit songs by The Bee Gees - after watching it as a child on a bootleg video. Now, Sharleen will join Bee Gees legend Robin Gibb on stage to recreate the 70s era which sparked off a fashion craze for big hair, chest wigs and gold medallions. She said: "I loved it when John Travolta went on to the floor and did that chicken dance. "So you can bet I'll be striking a few Night Fever poses of my own. "I was 10 when the film came out but it was so different at that time. "All those dances were what the teenagers were doing." Sharleen will perform Bee Gees classics If I Can't Have You and How Deep Is Your Love? as part of the BBC Electric Proms in London next month. The concert also stars Sam Sparro and Estelle. Sharleen leapt at the chance to sing the movie's tracks backed by a 62-piece orchestra. Sharleen releases her great new single Stop, I Don't Love You Anymore - from her chart-topping solo album Melody - on October 6. She said: "I wanted to do a track forMelody with The Bee Gees' Barry Gibb. But he suffers from terrible arthritis in his back so it didn't come off. "When his brother Robin asked me to do this show to mark the 30th anniversary of Saturday Night Fever I jumped at it. I've always been a massive Bee Gees fan. "When you look at that group the first thing you think is, 'Now that's what I call a classic back catalogue.'"

When Saturday Night Fever sparked a global disco explosion Sharleen was too young to see it in the cinema. It tells the story of Italian-American Tony Manero (Travolta) who escapes the drudgery of his dead-end job in a Brooklyn hardware store by ruling the dance floor of his local disco, Odyssey. The film was given an R-rating by British censors due to its sex scenes, drug use and bad language. Sharleen said: "I was just that little bit under-age to go and see it. But Saturday Night Fever was such a big deal. I finally got to see it at 13 on a bootleg video at a mate's house. "I couldn't believe the coolness of the clothes, make-up and dancing - it was a big part of growing up in 1977. "Later I went through my Saturday Night Fever period of wearing men's suit jackets, waistcoat and jeans. "I took the Travolta suited look rather than disco leggings and medallions." Sharleen reckons The Bee Gees - Barry, Robin and their late brother Maurice - got an unfair pasting due to their "medallion man" image. She said: "Do you think The Bee Gees gave a flying f*** what people thought of their image when they were selling millions of records? "So they had big hair and big teeth ...but they could write brilliant songs. When anything goes that massive people always want to tear it down. "But I can't think of anybody who doesn't know at least one Bee Gees song from the soundtrack. "Being on stage with Robin Gibb will be spectacular, a dream come true."

(Source: Sunday Mail)

(di Enzo , 16/05/2007 @ 15:18:32 in Dal web, linkato 8661 volte)
Robin, Ivonne e Barry Gibb con i BMI Icon AwardsLa BMI (Broadcast Music, Inc), una delle due associazioni per i diritti d'autore statunitense, ha conferito ai Bee Gees il prestigioso premio "BMI Pop Icons". Il premio è stato consegnato a Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb ed Yvonne Gibb, la vedova di Maurice, durante la cerimonia svoltasi ieri (15 maggio) a Beverly Hills (California), per festeggiare la cinquantacinquesima edizione dei "BMI Icons Awards". Uno dei momenti più importanti dello spettacolo è stato il tributo ai Gibb, con le esibizioni di Kelly Rowland delle Destiny's Child (che ha cantato "Emotion"), della star R&B gospel Bebe Winans (medley di "Nights on Broadway" e "How deep is your love" e della finalista di American Idol Katharine McPhee ("Immortality").
Fonte: bmi.com
"BMI Honors The Bee Gees as Icons at 55th Annual Pop Awards"

BMI staged its 55th Annual Pop Awards on May 15, honoring the Bee Gees as Pop Icons.
A highlight of the ceremony was the musical tribute to legendary singing trio the Bee Gees.
The brothers Gibb were honored as BMI Icons for their “unique and indelible influence on generations of music makers.” Accepting the awards were Barry and Robin Gibb, and Yvonne Gibb, wife of the late Maurice Gibb.
The tribute saw American Idol finalist Katharine McPhee perform “Immortality,” Bebe Winans singing a medley of “Nights on Broadway” and “How Deep Is Your Love” and Kelly Rowland performing “Emotion.”
The musical partnership of Barry, Robin and Maurice Gibb has produced some of the most timeless songs ever written, including “Night Fever,” “How Can You Mend a Broken Heart,” “Staying Alive,” “I Started a Joke,” “How Deep Is Your Love,” “Jive Talkin,” “You Should Be Dancing” and “Run To Me.”
The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees signature three-part harmony has endured for more than four decades, and with this award they join an elite list of previous BMI Icons that includes Crosby, Stills & Nash, Paul Simon, James Brown, Brian Wilson, Isaac Hayes, Dolly Parton and Carlos Santana.

Source: bmi.com
(di Enzo , 06/02/2006 @ 15:15:37 in Dal web, linkato 1842 volte)

Incredibile ma vero: Kenny Rogers odiava una delle sue canzoni di maggior successo, Islands in the Stream, scritta per lui dai Bee Gees e prodotta da Barry Gibb[//]. S - (
Ecco l'articolo (da: www.cmt.com , citato anche nella mailing list "Words") :  

It's hard to imagine now, but "Islands in the Stream" was originally intended as a solo single for Kenny Rogers -- and he certainly wasn't happy about recording the song.

"I hated that song," Rogers recently told CMT.com. "I had been doing it for three days. And it was Barry Gibb producing it with the Bee Gees, and I sounded like one of the Bee Gees. I just said, 'Barry, I don't even like this song anymore.' He said, 'You know what we need? We need Dolly Parton.'"

Rogers had recently met Parton while he was a guest on her television variety show, but he did not know her well at the time. However, his manager had her phone number, and after a phone call, she showed up at the studio within an hour, Rogers remembers.

"From the moment she walked in the room, it was a totally different song," Rogers says. "It just had a lilt to it. It had fun. It had energy. It was playful -- all of the things it wasn't when I did it by myself.

"When she came in, it had a different purpose. It was people singing together. It was like communication, as opposed to me just singing about something. And it was immediate -- the minute she came in and sang her verse."

The single ultimately climbed to No. 1 on both the pop and country charts in 1983, making it a perfect fit for Rogers' latest album, 21 Number Ones. The collection also includes "The Gambler," "through the Years," "Lady," "Lucille" and "Coward of the County."

(di Enzo , 06/02/2008 @ 15:12:24 in Dal web, linkato 2257 volte)

La Warner/Chappell Music (WCM), la compagnia che cura la pubblicazione in tutto il mondo dei lavori degli artisti sotto contratto per la Warner Music Group, ha annunciato il rinnovo del contratto con Barry Gibb. In precedenza, nel 2002, Barry aveva raggiunto un accordo con la Warner per la pubblicazione di tutto il suo catalogo di composizioni, ed anche per le future realizzazioni. L'accordo è stato oggi rinnovato, e Barry si è detto "orgoglioso di continuare il rapporto con la Warner" con la quale "continuerà a condividere la sua attività", che si augura sia "premiante per entrambe le parti". I fans si augurano che dal rinnovo di questo contratto scaturisca al più presto la pubblicazione di nuovi progetti di Barry, primo tra tutti il più volte annunciato (ed atteso) album country, che dovrebbe vedere la luce entro l'autunno del 2008.
Fonte: foxbusiness.com

 "Warner/Chappell Music Signs New Worldwide Publishing Agreement With Grammy Award-Winning Songwriter, Producer and Singer Barry Gibb"

NEW YORK, NY, Feb 05, 2008 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) -- Warner/Chappell Music (WCM), the global music publishing arm of Warner Music Group Corp. today announced a worldwide publishing agreement with Grammy Award-winning producer, hit songwriter and singer, Barry Gibb.
As both leading member of the Bee Gees and the co-writer of the group's remarkable body of work, Gibb has been awarded seven Grammys and was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame along with his brothers in 1997. Originally signed to Warner/Chappell Music in 2002, the company will continue publishing Gibb's catalog of past work as well as his future compositions.

Gibb co-founded the Bee Gees in 1958 with his brothers, Robin and Maurice, and they became the most successful vocal trio of all time. As a member of one of the best-selling groups in history, Gibb's incredible career has spanned five decades and has yielded more than 19 No. 1 records in North America.

In making the announcement, Dave Johnson, CEO of Warner/Chappell Music, said, "Barry is one of the premier pop artists of our time, whose songwriting talent and production abilities have contributed to the success of numerous hit projects. We are honored to work with an artist of his caliber and we are thrilled with his choice to stay with Warner/Chappell Music."

Gibb added, "I am very proud to continue my ongoing relationship with Warner/Chappell and I look forward to a very exciting and mutually rewarding musical adventure."

Gibb, along with his brothers, co-wrote the featured songs for the film "Saturday Night Fever," which became the number one soundtrack of all time. It is his falsetto which created the trademark sound. The Bee Gees are the only group to write, sing and co-produce six consecutive No. 1 singles in a row. Albhy Galuten and Karl Richardson also took part in this collaboration. The Gibb brothers are the first songwriters ever to have five songs in the top ten simultaneously. In addition, they are the only British songwriters to have No. 1 records for four consecutive decades. Their greatest honors include their International Songwriters Hall of Fame, multiple Lifetime Achievement Awards from organizations such as the World, American and British Music Awards, the Australian Record Industry Hall of Fame, Golden Europa Awards, the Ivor Novello Fellowship Award, an additional Grammy Legend Award, and a "CBE" (Commander of the British Empire).

About Warner/Chappell Music

Warner/Chappell Music is WMG's award-winning global music publishing company. The Warner/Chappell Music catalog included standards such as "Happy Birthday To You," "Rhapsody in Blue," "Winter Wonderland," the songs of Cole Porter and George and Ira Gershwin, as well as the music of Dido, Dr. Dre, Eric Clapton, Green Day, Led Zeppelin, Madonna, Nickelback, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Sheryl Crow, T.I. and others. Warner/Chappell Music is a leader in creating innovative strategies for marketing and promoting its songwriters and their music. The company's extensive catalog makes it a natural first stop for A&R executives and record producers, feature film and television production companies, and others looking to record or license some of the world's greatest music.
Fans hope that the deal renew could bring very soon some brand new material from Barry, i.e. the very awaited country album announced last year.   

(di Enzo , 24/10/2008 @ 13:52:48 in Dal web, linkato 1474 volte)

Robin Gibb, in occasione di alcune interviste promozionali relative al trentennale di Saturday Night Fever (che verrà celebrato con un concerto ai BBC Electric Proms 2008), ha dichiarato che lui e suo fratello Barry sono in realtà molto vicini a lavorare di nuovo insieme, ma dopo che avranno concluso le rispettive attività individuali.

"Siamo più vicini a questo più che in ogni altro momento", ha detto Robin, riferendosi al periodo seguente alla morte del terzo Bee Gee Maurice Gibb, avvenuta nel gennaio 2003.

"Il suono dei Bee Gees era unico, ed era creato da tutti noi tre. Io e Barry possiamo scrivere musica insieme, ma non potremo ricreare quel suono", ha aggiunto Robin.

Il prossimo anno è previsto il debutto del musical dedicato ai Bee Gees, e Robin lascia intendere che potrebbe essere l'occasione giusta per riprendere a collaborare con Barry.

Inoltre Robin ha confermato di non avere mai visto (interamente) il film con Travolta. "Alla prima, ad un certo punto, ho abbandonato la sala. Non è che non lo posso vedere, è solo che sono inquieto e non resisto..."

(Fonte: BBC News - GSI)

Robin: "Barry and I cannot recreate the Bee Gees sound"

Robin did quite some promotion work around the 30th anniversary of SNF and mentioned in recent interviews about the film and his future plans with brother Barry: "It's not that I can't watch it, it's just that I'm restless." Robin admitted he had walked out of the US premiere of SNF in 1977 after just 30 minutes.

"Barry and I cannot recreate the Bee Gees sound, that was the three of us" "we are both doing different things, we may come together to write in the future but for now we have our own things to do".

The band have been inactive since the death of Maurice Gibb in 2003, but Robin hinted that he may reunite on stage with third brother Barry next year, when a musical based on their career launches. "We are closer to that than we've ever been," he said. "It's definitely maybe."

(Source: BBC News - GSI)

(di Enzo , 02/06/2007 @ 13:14:20 in Dal web, linkato 2103 volte)
Robin Gibb è stato nominato presidente del CISAC (International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers), importante oganizzazione internazionale fondata nel 1926 , che rappresenta oltre due milioni e mezzo di artisti in tutto il mondo, che operano nei settori della musica, della letteratura e delle arti audiovisive e grafiche.
Il regista Alfonso Cuaron è stato eletto vice-presidente.
Robin è stato eletto nel corso dell'assemblea generale del CISAC, che si è svolta a Bruxelles il 1 giugno, al termine del "Copyright Summit", che si è tenuto nella capitale belga il 30 ed il 31 maggio, giorno nel quale Robin ha tenuto un discorso sulla comparabilità delle creazioni artistiche agli altri prodotti commerciali ("Are Creators' Works like Any Other Goods?" era il titolo dell'intervento). Il suo incarico avrà una durata triennale.
(Fonte: BBC NEWS)
Bee Gee takes on copyright role  (BBC NEWS)

Bee Gee Robin Gibb says he plans to campaign for a change to copyright laws on behalf of musicians in the UK.
Currently, performers in the UK receive royalty payments for 50 years, at which point their work goes out of copyright.

"Artists should be getting royalties for the records that they make for life," Gibb told the BBC News website.

The singer has just been made President of CISAC, a body representing creative artists around the world. Film director Alfonso Cuaron became Vice-President.

"I've been a songwriter since I was 8 years old," said Gibb. "I want to champion the rights of all those people who aren't getting a fair share from their creative work."

Record label

The 57-year-old said the Bee Gees had experienced several periods in their career where they did not control their music - including hits like Massachusetts and Jive Talkin'.

The singer said he wanted to make sure other artists did not suffer a similar fate.

"We were lucky because we had some good people working on our behalf, but the reality is that many do not," he said.

"There are still many major writers who still don't own their catalogue.

"It's a moral issue that people should get a bigger piece of the pie."

Gibb said his plans included creating a record label for UK artists, giving them easier access to digital download stores like iTunes.

Copyright recommendation

Earlier this year, the House of Commons culture committee said people had a "moral right" to keep control of their creations while alive.

It recommended extending the copyright term for sound recordings to at least 70 years, allowing performers to benefit from their early works throughout their lifetime.

The International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC) is comprised of 217 organisations which collect royalties and other payments for songwriters, novelists, screenwriters and others in the creative industry.

It indirectly represents 2.5m artists worldwide.
Gibb plays a homecoming concert on the Isle of Man this weekend
(di Enzo , 23/02/2008 @ 12:59:18 in Dal web, linkato 2466 volte)

Robin e la popstar russa ValeriyaA partire dallo scorso mese di gennaio, Robin Gibb è il presidente dell'associazione benefica inglese "The Heritage Fondation".
Lo scopo principale di questa fondazione l'obiettivo della fondazione è di rendere omaggio a personaggi britannici che con la ricchezza del loro talento che hanno conquistato la simpatia di milioni di persone, attraverso le loro performance e/o competenze tecniche, e nello stesso tempo di raccogliere fondi per beneficienza attraverso le iniziative della "The Arts and Entertainment Charitable Trust".
Nell'ambito delle attività relative alla sua presidenza, Robin Gibb sta organizzando un evento di beneficienza per il prossimo 30 marzo intitolato "LUNCH WITH ROBIN GIBB CBE & FRIENDS" , al Grosvenor House Hotel di Londra.
Inoltre è di questi giorni la notizia che, in onore dei Bee Gees, il prossimo 10 maggio sarà scoperta a Londra (67 Brook Street,Mayfair, West End)una "Blue Plaque", nell'edificio che ospitava gli uffici e lo studio di registrazione della RSO, la casa discografica di Robert Stigwood, manager dei Bee Gees dal 1967 al 1980.
Sostanzialmente le "blue plaque" sono delle placche che vengono posizionate in edifici storici o di grande importanza e/o in luoghi pubblici, per ricordare una permanenza o eventi correlati a personaggi celebri. In Gran Bretagna le blue plaques sono considerate prestigiose onoreficienze.
Sono molto note quelle dell'English Heritage, fondazione governativa che svolge più o meno ufficialmente gli stessi compiti della fondazione di cui Robin è presidente. La cerimonia sarà seguita da un pranzo di beneficienza.
Non è annunciata (ed è molto improbabile) la presenza all'evento di Barry.
A proposito di quest'ultimo, chissà cosa ne pensa della notizia (bizzarra a dire il vero)apparsa sul sito del quotidiano inglese "The Sun" , secondo la quale Robin ha registrato una cover di "Stayin'alive" con la popstar russa Valeriya, che vanta vendite di oltre 100 milioni di dischi nei paesi dell'est europeo.
Secondo il giornale inglese la star russa avrebbe scritto a Robin dicendo di amare i Bee Gees, ma che per lei (e per tutti i giovani russi), ai tempi della cosidetta "cortina di ferro" esistente prima delle "perestrojka e glasnost" e della caduta del muro di Berlino, era difficilissimo trovare la musica proveniente dall'ovest...
Fonti: robingibb.comtheheritagefoundation.info & thesun.co.uk


"Blue Plaque for the Bee Gees"
The Bee Gees are to be honoured with a blue plaque this spring! The plaque will be erected this May 10th at the 4-storey grade II listed building in 67 Brook Street, London. "I'm very pleased with this location as it has real significance to our career" Bee Gee Robin Gibb says. "It is a prestigious property in London's West End and once housed the headquarters of the Robert Stigwood Organisation". Robert Stigwood was the Bee Gees' manager from 1967 to 1980. "We composed several Bee Gees hits in that building's basement so it most definitely has a special connection to our work", Robin adds.
The Bee Gees blue plaque event, the unveiling is followed by lunch at the Grosvenor House Hotel, is organised by the Heritage Foundation and members of the general public can buy tickets for this special afternoon through the foundation at £65 pp.


March 30th, 2008 @ 1pm
Grosvenor House Hotel
Tickets are £65
Guest list to be confirmed

On May 10th, 2008 a blue plaque in honour of the Bee Gees will be unveiled in Mayfair, London followed by lunch at the Grosvenor House Hotel, Park Lane, London, W1. 
Tickets for this event are priced at £65 pp. For further information contact David Graham on 01494 714388

"BEE GEES star ROBIN GIBB has re-recorded the band’s disco classic Stayin’ Alive with Russian pop star VALERIEYA — minus some of the high notes."
She got the gig after laying down a cover of the 1978 chart-topper to send Gibb.
Valerieya, who has sold more than 100million albums in Eastern Europe, said: “I sent Robin a letter explaining how hard it was for us to get Western music growing up behind The Iron Curtain. But I loved the Bee Gees.”
Robin said: “She’s Russia’s top artist and really good.”

Sources: robingibb.comtheheritagefoundation.info & thesun.co.uk

(di Enzo , 20/01/2006 @ 12:53:10 in Dal web, linkato 2938 volte)


(Notizia originariamente inserita il 04/11, aggiornata il 17/11 ed il 20/01/2006)

Il prossimo 28 novembre esce in Gran Bretagna una nuova raccolta dei Bee Gees, intitolata "Love songs".
Negli altri principali mercati le date di uscita sono le seguenti:
Germania: 25/11
Norvegia: 28/11
Canada: 29/11
USA: 06/12
Giappone: 7/12
Italia, Belgio, Olanda e Spagna: 20/01/2006
Australia, Danimarca, Francia e Svezia: 05/02/2006

Come suggerisce il titolo, questo (ennesimo) greatest hits raccoglie alcune tra le migliori canzoni d'amore scritte e cantate dai fratelli Gibb nella loro lunga e prestigiosa carriera.
L'album chiude definitivamente il contratto dei Bee Gees con la Universal Records.
Nel frattempo i Gibb si sono aggiudicati la titolarità del loro intero catalogo musicale, sicchè da ora in poi nessun nuovo lavoro discografico che include canzoni dei Bee Gees potrà essere pubblicato senza la loro diretta (e completa) autorizzazione.
Pare che Barry e Robin stiano valutando le offerte di alcune tra le più importanti etichette discografiche per la realizzazione di prossimi dischi come solisti e di un eventuale nuovo album dei Bee Gees.
Infatti, seppure in profondo apparente disaccordo su tanti fronti (le attività soliste di Robin, le modalità del tributo per Maurice, il disco della Streisand senza Robin), sembra che (di comune accordo con la famiglia di Maurice) su un nuovo contratto per il catalogo dei Bee Gees non ci siano divergenze fra i due.
Nel frattempo, ecco la playlist di "Love Songs":

1. To Love Somebody
2. Words
3. First Of May
4. Lonely Days
5. How Can You Mend A Broken Heart
6. How Deep Is Your Love
7. More Than A Woman
8. (Our Love) Don't throw It All Away
9. Emotion
10. Too Much Heaven 11. Heartbreaker
12. Islands In The Stream ( Live)
13. Juliet
14. Secret Love
15. For Whom The Bell Tolls
16. Closer Than Close
17. I Could Not Love You More
18. Wedding Day

Inoltre (purtroppo solo per il mercato britannico e per quello asiatico) saranno presenti due bonus tracks:
"Heart like mine" e "Lovers and Friends".
Quest'ultima fu scritta nel 99 da Maurice e Barry per Ronan Keating, che la registrò per il suo album di debutto come solista.
Misteriosamente la canzone non fu però inserita nell'album, nonostante i Gibb erano citati e ringraziati con enfasi nelle note di copertine del disco. (aggiornamento date pubblicazione, fonte: robingibb.com)


1) La Universal Records ha realizzato due siti a supporto di "Love Songs:
beegeeslovesongs.com (attualmente ancora in realizzazione)

2) "Islands in thr stream" è tratta dal live "One Night Only"

3)"Lovers and friends" è pubblicata con la dizione "featuring Ronan Keating", ed è quindi la canzone di cui si parla sopra, disponibile per la prima volta in un disco ufficialmente pubblicato.

la playlist della versione UK
Il retro della copertina della versone UK (con le bonus tracks)
(di Enzo , 19/11/2008 @ 12:45:40 in Dal web, linkato 2380 volte)

Robin dal vivo a Douglas Robin Gibb ha suonato il 18 novembre a Douglas, Isola di Man, ed i proventi della serata sono stati devoluti all'ospizio per i bambini "Rebecca House", inaugurato proprio da Robin con la moglie Dwina il 14 novembre.

Nella giornata Robin ha ricevuto (per conto dei Bee Gees) un prestigioso riconoscimento alla carriera, ed ha cantato "Ellan Vannin", l'inno dell'Isola di Man, accompagnato dal King William's College Choir.

La canzone è stata registrata e sarà messa in vendita (CD e DVD) per beneficenza (sempre a favore dell'ospizio dei banbini dell'Isola di Man) in occasione delle festività natalizie.

Robin ha cantato numerosi successi suoi e dei Bee Gees, in un concerto intervallato da momenti informali e rilassati, durante i quali ha declamato con entusiasmo la bellezza dell'Isola.

Presente al concerto la madre Barbara (che il giorno prima aveva compiuto 88 anni), alla quale Robin ha dedicato "How deep is your love"

Barry, Robin e Maurice Gibb sono nati nell'isola, e Robin non nasconde il suo attaccamento al luogo della sua nascita, che ha definito "il più grande piccolo paese del mondo".

?Robin ha espresso il suo orgoglio per avere inaugurato "Rebecca House". "Dobbiamo supportare i bambini, specialmente quelli malati, ed è mia intenzione fare tutto quello che potrò per questo centro. Sono orgoglioso di essere nato nell'Isola di Man e di ritornare alla mia casa spirituale."

(Fonti: hospice.org.im e iomtoday.co.im )    

Robin live for charity in Douglas (Isle of Man) - 18 november 2008

"Robin Gibb reminds us why the Bee Gees rule" (John Gregory)

THERE was Tuesday night fever at the Villa when Bee Gee Robin Gibb performed hit after hit at a special charity concert for Rebecca House.
The very fact I knew every single song Robin and his great band performed was a testament to the fact that the Bee Gees were masters of the three-minute pop record.
The Gibb brothers – Robin, Barry and their late brother Maurice – together were a true hit-making machine, whether they were performing the songs themselves or writing for other people.
Robin's solo concert at the Villa was a great reminder of that. Not that the audience needed reminding, of course. There was plenty of dancing going on as the concert progressed and with 200 million record sales – and a catalogue second only to the Beatles in terms of success – it is hardly surprisingly these songs are so well known.
Robin made his way through classics such as Night Fever, How Can You Mend a Broken Heart?, Massachusetts, Words, To Love Somebody, You Win Again, Stayin' Alive, Jive Talkin' and many more.
His mum Barbara, who turned 88 the day before, was in the audience and he dedicated How Deep is Your Love to her.
She used to run the Union Mills post office and there is a plaque on the wall of the building commemorating the Bee Gees connection.
Robin also spoke about the influence his late father Hugh had on the brothers and said next time he performs in the Island he will bring Barry, who lives in Miami, with him!
The feel of the concert was quite intimate and informal – in between songs Robin spoke many times on how he was proud to be Manx and described the Island as 'the greatest little country in the world'.
In fact he spoke so much about it and is so passionate about the Isle of Man that he should be offered an honorary role with the Department of Tourism and Lesiure.
There was some banter with the audience too and the gig attracted fans from around the world. Psychiatrist Todd Jacob Gates and his wife travelled for two days from Clevland, Ohio, just to be there.
Also among the audience was a long-time friend of the brothers, Bernie Quayle, of Manx Radio.
The evening was started in fine style by Anna Goldsmith and her band. She opened with You Slayed All My Monsters and was in very fine voice indeed. Don't Wait Up was a particular highlight and it is one of Anna's most beautiful songs. The band finished with Come Together by The Beatles.
While the audience loved every second of the music, the real winners on the night were Oskar's Dreams who organised the concert for Rebecca House children's hospice which Robin officially opened on Friday. The charity is named after Oskar Craig who was just 18 months old when he died.
Oskar's father Heath told the Villa Marina that Oskar's Dreams – taking into account the money raised from the night – has now raised £250,000.
The Proud to be Manx concert was presented by the Henry Bloom Noble Trust in conjunction with Isle of Man Newspapers and sponsor Quinn Kneale.
Larry Keenan, chairman of the trust, explained about the history of it and the role of trustee Trudi Williamson – who is also deputy chairman of Isle of Man Newspapers – in putting on the concert.
Robin, who received a gift from Oskar's Dreams at the end of the night, was genuinely touched to be involved with the charity and Rebecca House.
Dot Tilbury and Geoff Corkish were the comperes for the evening and the whole night was a great success on many levels. It would have been a tragedy to miss it.

Robin and Dwina Gibb officially opened Rebecca House on Friday (14 november) in the presence of His Excellency Vice Admiral Sir Paul Haddacks KCB and Lady Haddacks.
Tribute was paid to the Henry Bloom Noble Healthcare Trust and Oskar’s Dreams who, among others, have contributed to fundraising efforts in order that a children’s hospice could be built on the Isle of Man. Rebecca House provides paediatric specialist palliative care and respite for children with life-limiting illnesses and conditions along with end of life care and bereavement support within Hospice Isle of Man.
Robin Gibb expressed his pride and delight at being asked to open Rebecca House: ‘we need to support children, particularly sick children and it is my intention to do all I can to support Rebecca House and Hospice Isle of Man in the future. He continued:
‘I am proud to be a Manxman and returning to my spiritual home.’ Robin and Dwina spent some time with the children and parents at Rebecca House.

On 14 november Robin accepted a lifetime achievement award on behalf of the Bee Gees. As he took the stage, Robin was given a standing ovation and after receiving the award he performed a rousing rendition of Ellan Vannin with the King William's College choir. The CD/DVD of the song will be released around Christmas, and it will help to raise money for the IOM children hospice

(di Enzo , 16/03/2010 @ 12:01:54 in Dal web, linkato 9515 volte)
Barry Gibb & Robin Gibb, New York, 15 marzo 2010

Barry Gibb e Robin Gibb hanno introdotto gli ABBA nella prestigiosa "Rock n'roll hall of fame", associazione che celebra gli artisti più importanti della scena rock. I Bee Gees fanno parte della "Rock n'roll hall of fame"dal 1997.

La cerimonia di introduzione si è svolta ieri 15 marzo a New York, al Waldorf Astoria Hotel.

Barry e Robin hanno consegnato il premio a Frida Prinsessan Reuss e Benny Andersson degli Abba. Erano assenti gli altri due componenti originari degli Abba, Björn Ulvaeus, e Agnetha Fältskog.

Barry e Robin saranno ospiti oggi 16 marzo del popolare programma televisivo "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon", in onda sulla NBC. Jimmy Fallon e Justin Timberlake hanno impersonato varie volte Barry e Robin nel corso di fortunatissimi e gettonatissimi sketch comici sui fratelli Gibb ("Barry Gibb talk show").
Nel corso della loro permanenza a New York, oltre all'apparizione televisiva ed alla relativa intervista al "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon", Barry e Robin probabilmente concederanno altre interviste. Eventuali aggiornamenti saranno pubblicati appena disponibili
Barry e Robin hanno preso parte alla conferenza stampa che ha preceduto l'evento ed alla successiva cena di gala. Nella foto, l'attrice Meryl Streep (protagonista del successo cinematografico "Mamma mia!", che prende il nome da una delle più famose canzoni degli Abba ) insieme a Barry Gibb nel corso della cena di gala.
Il resoconto della presentazione del premio agli Abba alla cerimonia di introduzione nella Rock n'roll hall of fame (New York, 15 marzo 2010) (da robingibb.com) ed il comunicato stampa della partecipazione dei fratelli Gibb al "Late night with Jimmy Fallon" (Fonte: "Radio Business Report")

The speech for ABBA, by Barry Gibb and Robin Gibb, at the Rock n'roll hall of fame 2010 induction ceremony, New York, 15 march 2010 (from robingibb.com)

Where does history begin....
In April 1974, my wife Linda and I were watching the EUROVISION SONG CONTEST in
London, when for the first time we witnessed a young group called ABBA singing their song for Sweden.
The song was called "Waterloo", and with this new powerful sound ABBA not only won the
EUROVISION SONG CONTEST that night, but claimed the hearts of millions of people all over the world including Linda and I. ROBIN GIBB
The ABBA phenomenon marched on as AGNETHA, ANNI FRIO, BJORN, and BENNY
carved out their own territory in the incredible landscape of popular music.
Cream always rises to the top and great music is forever and not just the product of the time it was written. ABBA's music, harmonies, and melodies are in one word-timeless and they
are as perennial as the grass... we smoke. There work reaches out to future generations
yet to be born and are music's jewel in the crown. With music like: "SOS", "MAMMA MIA", FERNANDO", "TAKE A CHANCE ON ME", "WINNER TAKES IT ALL", "I HAVE A DREAM", "KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU", "NAME OF THE GAME" and of course the NO.1 song in the U.S. and everywhere else, "DANCING QUEEN."

ABBA had now become a real force to be reckoned with. Their creative vision and
collaboration as a group between 1972 and 1982 has inspired many other young artists to
have the same dream.
To make records like ABBA. To write songs which BENNY and BJORN have shown us can include pathos, romanticism, social commentary, and sensuality. Their curiosity for
the new technologies in recording were obviously present and represented by their multi
tracking adventures both vocally and instrumentally. By 1982, ABBA the group
AGNETHA, ANNI FRID, BJORN and BENNY ended their incredible journey, their individual lives had taken their own twists and turns.

But for us, and fans all over the world, ABBA has remained a vital part of our lives.
Their music will live forever. It permeates all around us in so many places.
always serve to remind us of the wonderful music they made. And in fact 200 years from
now, they'll still be singing ABBA songs hopefully along with ours.

BENNY and BJORN went on to work with SIR TIM RICE on the musical "CHESS" highlighting the relevance of their songs in musicals. In1999
their music was adapted for London and Broadway, and has become incredibly
successful in its own right. "MAMMA MIA" the musical.
Then, of course came "MAMMA MIA" the movie... with the incredible performance by
Meryl Streep who's with us tonight to celebrate ABBA.
This just shows you that the music stays with us. It connects us through all kinds of change,
some small and some great. We even have a Swedish branch of the family now and we're
really proud of that.

31 years ago, we sang with ABBA at the United Nations for a "GIFT OF SONG" in support of UNICEF. We came together to help the children of the world. It was an inspiring night and it's good to be together again.

So you see, tonight was meant to be. It is a very magical night!!!
There is something in the air tonight!!! To the "DANCING QUEEN" long may she reign.
It is our greatest personal honor and privilege to be chosen to induct ABBA into the ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME and on behalf of all of us, "THANK YOU FOR THE MUSIC."
Bee Gees on "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon", 16 march 2010 (Press release) (from "Radio Business Report" )

On Tuesday, March 16th, "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" is proud to welcome Barry and Robin Gibb from the most successful trio in pop history, the Bee Gees.

Last year marked the 50th anniversary of the Bee Gees' musical beginnings. Since then, the trio has been inducted into both the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Songwriters Hall of Fame, won both the Lifetime Achievement (2000) and Legend Awards (2003) from the Recording Academy, seven Grammy Awards, BMI Icon Award, and a Lifetime Achievement Award at the 1997 BRIT Awards. Ultimate Bee Gees: The 50th Anniversary Collection was released last fall and Mythology , a 4-CD set curated and produced by Barry and Robin and featuring an individual disc for all four Gibb brothers, will be released on November 16th.

Tuesday will mark the brothers' first appearance on “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.”

 Barry & Robin in NY: Rock n' Roll and TV

Barry Gibb and Robin Gibb have introduced ABBA in the prestigious "Rock n 'roll hall of fame", an association that celebrates the most important artists of the rock scene. The Bee Gees are part of the "Rock n 'roll hall of fame since 1997.
The ceremony of introduction took place yesterday in New York March 15, at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel.
Barry and Robin have presented the award to  Frida Reuss Prinsessan and Benny Andersson of Abba. 
The other two original members of ABBA, Björn Ulvaeus, and Agnetha Fältskog were missing.
Barry and Robin will be the guests today March 16 of the popular television program "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon", that will be aired on NBC.
Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake have played several times the role of Barry and Robin in many sketches about the brothers Gibb ("Barry Gibb talk show").
During their stay in New York, in addition to the appearance on television and the interview with "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, Barry and Robin probably will make further interviews.
Any updates will be published as soon as available
Barry and Robin attended the press conference that preceded the event and the subsequent dinner gala.
In the photo, the actress Meryl Streep (star of the blockbuster "Mamma Mia!", Which takes its name from one of the most popular songs of Abba) along with Barry Gibb at the gala dinner.


(di Enzo , 10/06/2012 @ 11:39:40 in Dal web, linkato 20931 volte)

Barry Gibb lancia una rosa nella tomba di Robin.

Si sono svolti venerdì 8 giugno  a Thame, nell'Oxfordshire, i funerali di Robin Gibb, morto lo scorso 20 maggio a 63 anni.

Il feretro, secondo le ultime volontà dello stesso Robin, ha attraversato il paese a bordo di una carrozza di vetro trainata da quattro cavalli neri, tra centinaia di fan e amici.

Alla cerimonia funebre, svolta in forma privata, hanno preso parte, oltre ai familiari, una stretta cerchia di amici di Robin e della sua famiglia.

La famiglia Gibb (da sinistra): Steve, Linda, Barry, Dwina, Spencer, RJ


Barry Gibb, nel suo elogio funebre, ha dichiarato: "La vita è troppo breve. Nel caso di Robin, assolutamente troppo breve. Ha parlato di suo fratello, definito "acuto, spirito intuitivo" prima di accennare a recenti tensioni tra i due.

Barry Gibb durante il funerale
"Dio sa quanto abbiamo litigato", ha detto. "Fino alla fine siamo stati in contrasto, ma ora questo non  significa nulla ". Barry ha esortato i presenti,  nella chiesa di St Mary a Thame, Oxfordshire: "Se c'è conflitto nella vostra vita, sbarazzatevene." Parlando di Robin e Maurice, ha detto: "quando sei gemello, sei gemello per la vita", e sono finalmente insieme. Penso che il più grande dolore per Robin negli ultimi 10 anni, sia stato perdere il suo fratello gemello".

Centinaia di persone avevano assistito all'ingresso in chiesa della bara bianca ornata di Robin. In sottofondo "How Deep Is Your Love" dei Bee Gees.

La bara bianca di Robin, ornata con la bandiera dell'Isola di Man

All'uscita della chiesa un lungo applauso spontaneo ha accolto l'uscita del feretro, ed il corteo funebre, guidato da Barry e dal vicario reverendo Alan Garratt. Dopo di loro i parenti più stretti, tra cui la vedova di Robin, Dwina.

Little Snow, la giovane figlia di Robin, nata dalla breve relazione di quest'ultimo con una ex governante, non ha partecipato al funerale, ma è stata menzionata da Barry alla fine del suo elogio nell'elenco dei familiari  più strettti.

La cartolina commemorativa del funerale

Barry ha reso omaggio a suo fratello "mente magnifica e bel cuore".

Minuti dopo che il corteo funebre aveva iniziato la sua strada attraverso le strade di Thames, città adottiva di suo fratello, Barry aveva detto: "la vita è troppo breve, in caso di Robin, assolutamente troppo breve. Avremmo dovuto altri 20 anni, 30 anni della sua mente e del suo magnifico bel cuore".

Facendo riferimento a Maurice, ha aggiunto: "Erano entrambi belli. E ora sono insieme. Sono in realtà insieme ".

L'anziana madre Barbara, troppo sconvolta per rimanere in chiesa, ha abbandonato la cerimonia all'inizio dell'elogio funebre di Barry. Suo figlio, unico superstite ha detto: "questa è un'esperienza molto strana per me, dopo aver già perso due fratelli, ed ora Rob. Così tante persone hanno amato questo ragazzo, qui c'è tanta gente illustre che lo amava. E questo è un grande piacere da testimoniare. Noi tre abbiamo hanno avuto tantissime folle, ma io non ho mai visto tanto amore in una folla come quello sto guardando oggi: per Rob, per la musica. Ed è un'esperienza molto intensa per me. Penso che sia un esperienza nessuno di noi dimenticherà. La terremo nei nostri cuori e nelle nostre menti per sempre".

Durante il funerale la vedova Dwina ha letto una poesia, intitolata "My Songbird".


Tra le parole della poesia: "Il mio uccello è volato e la mia anima sospira - ma lui non andrà mai via". E 'stata abbracciata da Barry dopo la fine della sua lettura.

La poesia è stata seguita dalla canzone "Don't Cry Alone", una delle ultime composizioni di Robin, tratta dal "Titanic Requiem", che è stato pubblicato poche settimane prima della sua morte.

Gli ospiti hanno lasciato la chiesa al suono deella canzone dei Bee Gees "I Started A Joke", che comprende le parole "Sono finalmente morto, ciò inizia fare vivere tutto il mondo".

Tra i presenti al funerale alcuni tra gli amici più stretti di Robin: il critico musicale Sir Tim Rice, lo showman Uri Geller, il cantante Peter Andre, il DJ Mike Read ed anche Robert Stigwood, produttore di tantissimi dischi di successo dei Bee Gees e del film "Saturday night fever".

(Fonte: www.telegraph.co.uk)

Barry Gibb: Robin and Maurice have been reunited in heaven

(By Nigel Bunyan, "The Telegraph" )

Barry Gibb said his brother Robin had been reunited with his twin Maurice as he paid an emotional tribute at the Bee Gee's funeral yesterday.

The sole surviving member of the trio spoke of his regret at arguing with Robin right up to the star's death.

In a trembling voice he told the congregation: "Life is too short. In Robin's case, absolutely too short.

He spoke of his brother's "sharp, intuitive wit" before hinting at recent tensions between the two of them.

"God knows how much we argued," he said. "Right up to the end we found conflict with each other, which now means nothing. It just means nothing."

He urged mourners at St Mary's Church in Thame, Oxfordshire: "If there's conflict in your lives - get rid of it."

He said Robin, 62, who died from kidney failure last month after fighting cancer and pneumonia, had finally been reunited with his twin.

Barry recalled the decade of separation endured by Robin since Maurice died in 2003.

"When you're twins, you're twins for life," he said. "You go through every emotion.

"And they're finally together. I think the greatest pain for Robin in the past 10 years was losing his twin brother, and I think it did all kinds of things to him."

Hundreds of mourners wept as Robin's ornate white coffin entered the church to the sound of the Bee Gees' hit How Deep Is Your Love.

Barry and the vicar leading the service, the Reverend Alan Garratt, walked up the aisle ahead of it as a round of spontaneous applause broke out from well-wishers outside the church.

Close relatives, including Robin's widow, Dwina, and his mother followed behind. One woman was so overcome with grief she had to be physically supported as she walked to her seat.

Robin's young daughter Snow, whose mother is a former housekeeper of his, did not attend the service - but was mentioned by Barry at the end of his eulogy as "little Snow" in a list of close family members.

Barry paid tribute to his brother's "magnificent mind and his beautiful heart".

Minutes after the funeral cortege had picked its way through the streets of his brother's adoptive town, he told mourners: "Life is too short; in Robin's case, absolutely too short.

"We should have had 20 years, 30 years of his magnificent mind and his beautiful heart."

Referring to Maurice, he added: "They were both beautiful. And now they're together. They're actually together."

The Gibbs' elderly mother, Barbara, was too distraught to remain in the church as Barry delivered his eulogy.

Her surviving son said: "This is a very strange experience, having already lost two brothers and now Rob.

"I think there are an awful lot of things happening right now that maybe you won't be aware of. And one is how many people came on such a terrible day. It is staggering.

"So many people loved this boy, so many illustrious people are here that loved him. And that is such a pleasure to witness.

"The three of us have seen a lot of crowds but I've never seen so much love in one crowd as I'm looking at today - for Rob, you know, for the music. And it's an intense experience for me.

"I think it's an experience none of us will forget. We will keep him in our hearts and minds forever."

Hundreds of Bee Gees fans lined the streets to bid the singer a final, tearful farewell.

The white, glass-sided carriage bearing his coffin was pulled through the throng by four plumed, black Friesian horses.

Each wore a decorative black cloth emblazoned with a gold treble clef in honour of a career steeped in musical folklore.

Ahead of the horses was a lone piper, behind them relatives and friends, and finally, Gibb's beloved Irish Wolfhounds, Ollie and Missy.

It had been the singer's final wish to "say a final goodbye to fans and his home town of Thame", and he did so in typically flamboyant style.

The cortege emerged from the gatehouse of Robin's estate and then moved slowly up the town's High Street. It was welcomed to the church by the strains of the Bee Gees hit How Deep Is Your Love?

Gibb's widow, Dwina, was at the head of the cortege, together with his mother.

The singer's sons, RJ and Spencer, were joined as pallbearers by Barry's son, Stevie, and Dwina's son, Steven Murphy.

Mourners included Sir Tim Rice, Uri Geller, Peter Andre and the DJ Mike Read.

During the service Dwina read a poem called My Songbird Has Flown.

It included the words: "My songbird has flown and my soul sighs - but he will never go away."

She was embraced by Barry as she returned to her seat.

The poem was followed by a recording of Don't Cry Alone - one of Robin's last compositions, from his Titanic Requiem, which premiered just weeks before his death.

Guests left the church to the sound of the Bee Gees' song I Started A Joke, which includes the line "I finally died, which started the whole world living".

(di Enzo , 29/10/2009 @ 10:49:29 in Dal web, linkato 2951 volte)

sundaytimes Barry e Robin Gibb hanno programmato una serie di apparizioni televisive (delle quali alcune in diretta dal vivo) ed una serie di interviste in concomitanza con l'uscita della raccolta "Ultimate Bee Gees", prevista per il prossimo 2 novembre. Lo scorso 24 ottobre l'edizione domenicale del quotidiano inglese "Times" (Sunday Times) ha pubblicato un'intervista ai due fratelli. L'intervista (ed un sondaggio) è disponibile su timesonline.uk

Si inizia Il 31 ottobre con la presenza nella popolare trasmissione televisiva inglese "Strictly come dancing", in onda su BBC1 a partire dalle 19.50. La trasmissione dovrebbe essere disponibile tramite l'iPlayer del sito della BBC ( http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00mbyy0 ) . Barry e Robin canteranno dal vivo in diretta "You should be dancing".

Il giorno 1 novembre i fratelli Gibb appariranno sulla CBS, nel corso del programma "Sunday Morning", che prevederà una sezione dedicata ai Bee Gees, con un'intervista (registrata) a Barry e Robin.

Il 3 novembre sarà la volta di due interviste televisive trasmesse in Inghilterra. La mattina si inizia con la televisione inglese ITV, sul canale GMTV (l'intervista sarà poi disponibile sul sito web del canale televisivo ( http://www.gm.tv/ ) . Durante il pomeriggio SKY UK trasmetterà un'altra intervista con i due Gibb. Si tratta in entrambi i casi di interviste pre-registrate.

Un'altra apparizione (questa volta dal vivo ed in diretta TV) è prevista il 17 novembre,  quando Robin e Barry si esibiranno nel corso del seguitissimo show della televisione americana ABC, "Dancing with the stars".

Il 18 novembre la televisione tedesca Kabel Eins dedicherà la popolare trasmissione "Number One!" ai Bee Gees, e nel corso del programma sarà trasmessa una intervista (registrata) a Robin e Barry. Recentemente "Number One!" ha visto le presenze degli U2 e dei Bon Jovi.

I Gibb hanno inoltre concesso altre interviste in Inghilterra (Daily Mirror e Daily Telegraph), in Germania (Welt Am Sontag, Bunte, ZDF radio e Cable One), Australia (Sunrise), USA (saranno in seguito precisate) e Giappone (Nihon TV, Fugi TV, Music e Nikkei).

Secondo quanto dichiarato da Robin, Barry è arrivato il 28 ottobre in Inghilterra, dove resterà per quasi due settimane. I due Gibb concederanno altre interviste (giornali, radio e TV) proprio in questi giorni in cui anche Barry sarà in Inghilterra. Ulteriori dettagli su queste interviste ed altre iniziative di Robin e Barry saranno rese note quanto prima.

(Fonti: timesonline.uk , robingibb.com, google news )

Barry and Robin: TV and interviews to promote "Ultimate Bee Gees"

Barry and Robin Gibb have planned a series of television appearances (some live) and a series of interviews in conjunction with the release of the "Ultimate Bee Gees" collection, planned for the next 2 November. The last 24 October the sunday edition of the English newspaper "Times" (Sunday Times) has published an interview with two brothers. The interview (and a Bee Gees poll) is available on timesonline.uk

You begin on 31 October with the presence in the English popular broadcast  "Strictly as dancing" aired on BBC1 from 19.50 (GMT +1) . The show should be available through the site of the BBC iPlayer (http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00mbyy0) . Barry and Robin will sing live "You should be dancing".

Day 1 November, Gibb brothers will appear on the CBS during the "Sunday Morning" programme, that will provide a section dedicated to the Bee Gees, with an interview (pretaped) Barry and Robin.

3 November will be the time of two television interviews transmitted in England. The morning begins with English television ITV, channel GMTV (the interview is then available on the website of the television channel (http://www.gm.tv/).) During the afternoon SKY UK will pass an interview with the two Gibb. It is in both cases of pretaped interviews.

An appearance (this time live in TV) is planned on 17 November, when Robin and Barry perform ongoing very popular American television ABC show, "Dancing with the stars" .

On 18 November German television Kabel Eins will dedicate the popular transmission "Number One!" to the Bee Gees, and in the course of the show will be aired an interview (registered) with Robin and Barry. "Number One!" has recently dedicated to U2 and Bon Jovi.

The Gibb have also granted other interviews in England (Daily Mirror and Daily Telegraph), Germany (Welt Am Sontag, Bunte, radio ZDF and Cable One), Australia (Sunrise), USA (will be soon specified) and in Japan (Nihon TV, Fugi TV, Music and Nikkei).

As stated by Robin, Barry arrived on  28 October in England, where will remain for almost two weeks. The two Gibb will grant other interviews (newspapers, radio and TV) precisely in these days where Barry will be in England. Details about these interviews and other initiatives of Robin and Barry will be disclosed as soon as possible.


"The Bee Gees: 50 years on - Robin and Barry Gibb talk about 50 years of the band, from tragedy to how they changed the world" (Rob Fitzpatrick, Times)

ult Robin and Barry Gibb are so overpoweringly familiar that just sitting opposite them feels odd. Robin, now 59 and still pencil-thin, is the sharper, the more protective of the two. Robin's the one you can imagine having an actual stand-up fight in defence of the Bee Gees' good name, while Barry, 63, seems rather more relaxed, beatific even, his snow-white hair artfully draped over his shoulders, a small smile never far from his lips.

The pair arrange themselves on the long black sofas at the back of Studio A at Hit Factory, in Miami, looking entirely at home. Of course, they should do - in the mid-1970s, Barry, Robin and their late brother, Maurice, pretty much moved in here to create some of the biggest-selling records of all time.

By that time, they had already enjoyed enormous success as a neo-psychedelic pop-rock group signed to the same management company as the Beatles. Then they had split. Then they had suffered three full years without a single hit. It's a long, long way from being in such a crushing slump that you're reduced to banging out gags between your oldies in a Yorkshire variety club to writing and recording a soundtrack album that sells in excess of 30m copies, but the Bee Gees made that journey in just three years.

The soundtrack to Saturday Night Fever made the Bee Gees as famous as it is possible for a human being to be. So famous, in fact, that they were easy to mock - Hair! Teeth! Chest wigs! - easy to make a joke out of. Yet 50 years after they began singing together at home in Manchester, a lot of their music still sounds utterly remarkable, whether it's the late-1960s hipster Bee Gees of albums such as Idea and Horizontal ("Oasis absolutely love that record," Robin says proudly), the global-superstar Bee Gees of Nights on Broadway, You Should Be Dancing and Jive Talkin', or the radio-eating, grown-up super-pop Bee Gees of How Deep Is Your Love or You Win Again. There is a reason that their catalogue of songs is one of the most profitable in pop history.

"It's taken us six years to come back from Maurice's death," Barry says. "His passing scattered everything to the wind. Robin drove himself on, but I couldn't find the passion, I couldn't force anything else out. I thought we were done."

"Ours is such a long story," says Robin, a glass of water in front of him. "But when we were young, the only risk was not taking the risk. We always knew we'd win it if we were in it..."

Products of a show-business home - their father, Hugh, was a band-leader who met their mother, Barbara, at one of his gigs - the Gibb brothers began singing together in cinemas while growing up in Manchester. In 1958, the family emigrated to Australia, and the three boys began performing professionally, playing pubs and speedways, singing on TV, even doing pantomime. Four years later, they would leave Australia by boat, spending three months working their passage to England. While on board, their single Spicks and Specks - their 13th stab at a hit - went to No 1 back home. The Bee Gees arrived in Southampton in February 1967 - three weeks later, they'd signed a five-year management deal with Robert Stigwood, the director of NEMS Enterprises, a company owned by the manager of the Beatles, Brian Epstein.

"We had a blind belief in ourselves," Robin says, laughing suddenly. "Luckily, we were also blind to the immense amount of competition there was."

"We were pretty bad then," Barry says. "But we were fearless."

Stigwood insisted on a group, so the brothers' Australian friends Vince Maloney and Colin Peterson were hired. They signed a deal with Polydor and delivered a huge hit, New York Mining Disaster 1941. The band's debut LP, Bee Gees 1st, was a critical and commercial smash. Wonderfully picturesque songs such as Harry Braff and Every Christian Lion-Hearted Man Will Show You pointed clearly towards a Britpop sound still 30 years in the future. Just teenagers, the brothers became part of the pop royalty of the day.

"We went to nightclubs like the Cromwellian and the Bag O' Nails," Robin says. "I liked the Speakeasy - when you went down the stairs, there was this coffin at the bottom. If you had your membership card, the wall would turn around and you went in."

"The Beatles and the Stones would sit around like kings," Barry says. "And we became part of that scene."

In 1969, the Bee Gees released the double-LP epic Odessa, an album so rich in fantastic songs and ideas - Melody Fair, "an Eleanor Rigby sort of thing", is brilliantly dramatic, while Whisper Whisper is surely the sharpest, most morally complex song ever written about a drug-dealer - that, 40 years later, it remains a remarkable document to free-spirited creativity.

"Odessa was our madness," Robin says. "We were recording in the studio the Beatles had been in, and we were unafraid to work with whatever came into our heads." Sadly, more progressive recordings were scaring off their fan base. Arguments followed and the brothers fell out. "There are periods even Robin and I don't talk about," Barry says. "That's one of them."

Between 1970 and 1975, the Bee Gees scored only a handful of hits. It was the opening track of 1975's Main Course record that pushed the brothers into a whole new stratosphere of fame and success. Jive Talkin' was an immediate, huge hit in America and Britain, as was the follow-up, Nights on Broadway, which featured Barry's crystalline falsetto. Their next album, Children of the World,went platinum, with You Should Be Dancing kicking off a string of hits.


The brothers were recording in France when Stigwood called to ask if they would be interested in creating the soundtrack to a new - as yet untitled - film. Six or seven songs should do it, he told them. Oh, and could they come up with a title for it?


"You never really know if something's a hit or not," Barry says. "Apart from Staying Alive. When we played it to George Martin really early on, he took two steps backwards and said, 'My God! I've never heard anything like it!'"

The film was 1977's Saturday Night Fever, and the album produced six No 1 hits. Night Fever was the Bee Gees' first UK No 1 for a decade. Soon, one out of every seven families in America would own a copy. "Fever introduced the most creative recording period in our lives," Barry says. "The following five years, we had a ball. We were the biggest thing around."

"This was the peak of record sales in all of history," Robin says. "Since 1967, there have only been three albums that have truly affected the culture, and that's Sgt Pepper, Fever and thriller. There's not many people who know what that feels like. We're like the guys who've been to the moon."

"John Lennon said he wished he'd got a song like Fever," Barry says. "But we were under fire straight after. We became the people who had to be punished, so we gave our best songs to other people to secure our reputation as songwriters."

By the end of the 1970s, the Bee Gees were involved in a multi-million-dollar lawsuit with Stigwood, and they stopped recording as a group. Barry wrote Guilty for Barbra Streisand and Heartbreaker for Dionne Warwick, while the brothers came together to write Islands in the Stream for Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton, as well as creating the startling Chain Reaction for Diana Ross. No new Bee Gees album would emerge until ESP - and the hit You Win Again - in 1987, their first UK No 1 for eight years. The 20th - and, to date, last - Bee Gees album, This Is Where I Came In, had definite echoes of their late-1960s pop-rock glories and was released in 2001.

"We've made some of the best records of all time," Robin says as a Japanese film crew prepares for his arrival next door. "And that's because we're not afraid of trying new things. We're only really afraid of losing an idea."

Would they like to start again? "God, no!" Robin laughs out loud. "Pop music used to be so much more gregarious, more flamboyant. Today, it's so conservative."

"We've had incredible happiness and incredible sadness in our lives," Barry says. "But we know there are songs we have written that will always touch people."

(Sources: timesonline.uk , robingibb.com, google news )

(di Enzo , 08/09/2007 @ 10:32:34 in Dal web, linkato 1927 volte)
Il cantante (ed autore) inglese David Gray ha incluso nel suo nuovo album una cover della canzone dei Bee Gees "In the morning".
Gray, dopo avere riscosso un buon livello popolarità nella scena della musica folk inglese, è diventato un artista di grande sucesso nella scena pop-rock.
Può vantare infatti ben tre album che hanno raggiunto la vetta della classifica di vendita in UK: "White Ladder" (2001) "A New Day At Midnight" (2002) e "Life in Slow Motion" (2005).
Alcune delle sue canzoni sono state incluse nella serie TV "Smalville". Ha recentemente preso parte al "Live Earth".
La (bella) versione di "In the morning" è inclusa nell'album "A Thousand Miles Behind", una compilation di cover registrate dal vivo tra il 2001 ed il 2007 che include anche brani di Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan, Randy Newman e Johnny Cash.
L'album attualmente disponibile per il download tramite il sito di Gray, sarà pubblicato entro fine anno.
(Fonte: davidgray.com)
David Gray covers "In the morning"
English singer-songwriter David Gray has released a cover of the Bee Gees' song "In the morning".
Gray spanned three UK #1 albums,"White Ladder" (2001) "A New Day At Midnight" (2002) e "Life in Slow Motion" (2005). He took part at the English leg of "Live Earth" in july 2007.
The (very good) cover version of In the morning is included in "A Thousand Miles Behind", a compilation CD of live covers, is available via digital download and will be released within the end of this year.
(di Enzo , 19/07/2007 @ 09:45:30 in Dal web, linkato 2495 volte)
Il prossimo 18 settembre la Rhino Records, aggiudicataria di tutte le riedizioni dell'intero catalogo dei Bee Gees, metterà sul mercato USA una versione aggiornata di "Bee Gees Greatest".
La nuova versione conterrà due inediti, "Warm ride" (pubblicata originariamente nelle versioni di Andy Gibb e Graham Bonnet) e la extended version di "Stayin Alive" (che era stata disponibile soltanto nei promo mix destinati ai club).
La riedizione di "Greatest", che esce nel contesto delle celebrazioni per il trentennale di "Saturday Night Fever", oltre a contenere versioni completamene rimasterizzate, conterrà inoltre i seguenti nuovi remix: "You Should Be Dancing" (Jason Bentley/Phillip Stier remix)
"How Deep Is Your Love" (Supreme Beings Of Leisure remix)
"Night Fever" (Future Funk Squad remix)
"If I Can't Have You" (Count da Money remix) 
Nello stesso giorno la Paramount Home Entertainment pubblichera una versione speciale della "febbre del sabato sera " contenente, tra i bonus extra,  un video-documentario con interviste a Barry e Robin (Fonte: Billboard.com )
Rhino Expands Bee Gees' 'Greatest'
In recognition of the 30th anniversary of the hit film and soundtrack "Saturday Night Fever," which propelled the Bee Gees to new commercial heights, Reprise will on Sept. 18 reissue the group's 1979 double album "Bee Gees Greatest" with two previously unreleased tracks and four new remixes.

The same day, Paramount Home Entertainment will release a "special collector's edition" of "Saturday Night Fever," featuring new interviews with Bee Gees principals Barry and Robin Gibb.

The new edition of "Bee Gees Greatest" will feature the previously unreleased track "Warm Ride" plus an extended version of "Stayin' Alive" originally issued as a 12-inch promo vinyl single. There are also new remixes of "You Should Be Dancing," "How Deep Is Your Love," "Night Fever" and "If I Can't Have You."

The bulk of the album is drawn from the studio albums the Bee Gees released between 1975 and 1979, which spawned such hits as "Too Much Heaven," "Night Fever," "Love You Inside Out" and "Tragedy."


Here is the track list for "Bee Gees Greatest":
"Jive Talkin'"
"Night Fever"
"You Should Be Dancing"
"Stayin' Alive"
"How Deep Is Your Love"
"Love So Right"
"Too Much Heaven"
"(Our Love) Don't throw It All Away"
"Fanny (Be Tender With My Love)"
"If I Can't Have You"
"You Stepped into My Life"
"Love Me"
"More Than A Woman"
"Rest Your Love On Me"
"Nights On Broadway"
"Spirits (Having Flown)"
"Love You Inside Out"
"Wind Of Change"
"Children Of the World"
"Warm Ride" (previously unreleased)
"Stayin' Alive" (12-inch vinyl promo)
"You Should Be Dancing" (Jason Bentley/Phillip Stier remix)
"How Deep Is Your Love" (Supreme Beings Of Leisure remix)
"Night Fever" (Future Funk Squad remix)
"If I Can't Have You" (Count da Money remix)

(Source: Billboard.com )

(di Enzo , 08/02/2006 @ 09:30:21 in Dal web, linkato 2098 volte)
Uno dei concerti più attesi fra quelli che Robin terrà in luglio nel Regno unito è sicuramente quello di Edimburgo[//].
In questo articolo si parla di tutte le stars che si esibiranno quest'estate al famoso castello della capitale scozzese. Ecco l'articolo (da Scotsman.com News):

"Esplanade back in business as big-name gigs revealed"
FORMER Bee Gees star Robin Gibb, Irish boy band Westlife and operatic chart-toppers Il Divo will all play outdoor shows at Edinburgh Castle this summer.
Promoters today unveiled details of the first three open-air shows lined up for the Esplanade at the world-famous attraction.
Gigs at the Castle are being revived after last year's 11th-hour postponement of a string of concerts, expected to have been performed by rock legends such as Bob Dylan, Meat Loaf and Sting.
They were shelved after talks broke down between Regular Music, promoters of the Castle Concerts, and Historic Scotland, which is responsible for running and maintaining the Castle.
The Evening News revealed in December that health and safety fears harboured by some Historic Scotland officials had been resolved and the concerts were set to return.
A total of six concerts are expected to be held at the Esplanade over two weekends in July this year, with most of the fans due to be accommodated in the giant stands erected for the Edinburgh Military Tattoo.
If they sell out, the shows could generate upwards of £9 million for the Capital's economy. Barry Wright, promoter of the Castle Concerts series, said: "We're delighted to announce the return of the summer concerts to Edinburgh Castle and an impressive line-up for 2006.
Over two weekends in July, some of the finest performers in the world will take to the stage at this legendary venue to perform in front of an estimated audience of 8000 people each evening." City council leader Donald Anderson said: "I'm delighted that these great artists have chosen to come to Edinburgh.
The stunning and iconic setting of the Castle makes concerts there a special event for both performer and audience and will give everyone a night to remember.
"On a personal level, I'm particularly looking forward to Il Divo.
" Westlife, who will be appearing on July 21, will be returning to the venue two years after they played there in a show which set a new record as the fastest sell-out to date at the Esplanade.
The superstar band have sold more than £34m worth of albums and have notched up an amazing 12 number one hits.
Il Divo, the pop-classical quartet assembled by impresario Simon Cowell famously knocked Robbie Williams off the top of the UK album charts with their debut, which went on to enjoy chart-topping success in another 25 countries around the world.
Earlier this month Il Divo saw their latest album enter the US album charts at number one and the band's 2006 world tour will see them visit 58 cities in 18 countries. The four members of the group, due to appear in Edinburgh on July 20, are French, American, Swiss and Spanish.
Robin Gibb, one of two surviving members of the Bee Gees, will bring a full live band and classical orchestra to the Esplanade on July 16.
Fans of the Bee Gees - whose hits have been covered by musicians such as Boyzone, George Michael and Take That - can expect performances of classic hits like Stayin' Alive, Jive Talking, Night Fever and How Deep Is Your Love?

Moby, Runrig, Del Amitri, Paul Simon, Wet Wet Wet, Mike Oldfield, Elton John, The Beach Boys, Status Quo and Van Morrison are among the acts to have appeared at the Esplanade.
• Tickets, priced £35 and £40, are due to go on sale on Friday from Ripping Records, on South Bridge, Tickets Scotland on Rose Street, the Castle Concerts ticket hotline on 0870 903 3444 or via www.ticketweb.co.uk.
(di Enzo , 07/02/2006 @ 09:20:39 in Dal web, linkato 2039 volte)

La Rhino Records, casa discografica americana specializzata nelle "reissues" (ripubblicazioni di dischi ) sta per annunciare un nuovo contratto che riguarda la ri-pubblicazione dell'intero catalogo discografico dei Bee Gees ed, udite udite, per eventuali pubblicazioni di materiale inedito[//]... : - P
Ecco l'articolo (da www.calendarlive.com) :

'Fever' pitch for Bee Gees
By Geoff Boucher

This week the Bee Gees and Warner Music Group will make it clear that, with the looming 30th anniversary of "Saturday Night Fever," they expect the group's classic disco hits will be staying very alive in the pop consciousness. Warner's Rhino Entertainment plans to announce that it has a new worldwide deal in place to revisit the original master recordings and unreleased material from the music library of the Bee Gees, who were the Brothers Gibb: Barry, Robin and the late Maurice. The Bee Gees' original studio recordings spanned from 1965 through 2001, but really, the Bee Gees are defined (be it good or bad) by their mad success in the second half of the 1970s, when they gave a falsetto voice and an irresistible beat to the disco phenomenon.

Hits such as "Stayin' Alive," "You Should Be Dancing," "Night Fever," "Tragedy" and "Jive Talkin' " either made you dance or wince, but they were inescapable. In the U.S., the Australian-bred group was so closely identified with that moment in music that they found it virtually impossible to connect with new hits after the 1970s. The polyester-era hits have been repackaged again and again, but Rhino Entertainment's Scott Pascucci says this time around the approach will be a deeper examination of the group's history and its 1960s work, overlooked in the glare of the disco ball.

"When you have a truly great group, which the Bee Gees are," Pascucci said, "you want to give a full context from the beginning of their career to the present, and I don't think that has been done with the Bee Gees."

Barry Gibb last year released a duets album with Barbra Streisand, and Robin Gibb has toured as a solo act, but the pair had said after their brother's death that they would not go on as the Bee Gees. Barry, though, has hinted on websites that a tribute album to his late sibling may be coming.

Pascucci said there was a meeting scheduled that would begin shaping the Bee Gees' legacy revival. And what about that anniversary of "Saturday Night Fever," the 1977 soundtrack that was nothing short of cultural juggernaut? "Yes, we will be talking about that."

(di Enzo , 22/09/2007 @ 01:31:32 in Dal web, linkato 2104 volte)
La riedizione di "Bee Gees Greatest" sarà pubblicata in Europa il prossimo primo ottobre.
Dalla raccolta verranno estratti due singoli, differenti a seconda dei paesi di pubblicazione.
In U.S.A. saranno: You Should Be Dancing” (Jason Bentley/Philip Steir Remix) e "Stayin’ Alive (Teddybears Remix), mentre nel resto del mondo dovrebbe essere “If I Can’t Have You” (Disco Boys Remix). Quest'ultima è la "traccia nascosta" aggiuntivo (hidden track) dell'edizione Europea e dell'edizione destinata al resto del mondo.
Tutti i singoli saranno acquistabili inizialmente solo tramite iTunes (dove è possibile acquistare anche una versione remix di "More than a woman" non presente in nessuna delle edizioni ed alcuni video dei Bee Gees). Al momento non si sa se seguirà una pubblicazione su cd.
Sul sito ufficiale dei Bee Gees (beegees.com, che ha subito un vistoso cambiamento di layout in perfetto stile anni 70) sono disponibili inoltre suonerie di alcune canzoni dei Gibb (anche se per il momento sono acquistabili solo dagli U.S.A) ed una versione speciale di "Greatest" acquistabile insieme ad una t-shirt con il famoso logo dei Bee Gees. Nel frattempo la Paramount sta per pubblicare il DVD di "Saturday Night Fever", che verrà messo in vendita in contemporanea con l'uscita nel mondo di "Bee Gees Greatest" (il primo ottobre, appunto).
Per fornire ulteriori dettagli, informazioni e per ulteriore promozione dei due prodotti, la Paramount e la Rhino hanno realizzato un sito comune, "youshouldbedancing.tv", dove è possibile registrarsi per ricevere una newsletter.
(Fonte: robingibb.com)
Bee Gees Greatest Deluxe Edition in shops this autumn
Reprise Records continue their Bee Gees reissue programme and the focus release this year is a deluxe edition of the multi-platinum “Bee Gees Greatest”. This release coincides with the 30th anniversary of “Saturday Night Fever” and Paramount is issuing a special edition DVD of the movie the same week the album comes out. Reprise and Paramount have put together a great campaign to mark the Fever anniversary. There are bonus tracks and remixes on the album re-issue, and featurettes and new interviews on the DVD, so they would make fine additions to your collection. There are also remixes and singles being serviced to radio stations to garner interest in the CD. In the States, “Bee Gees Greatest” is set for release on September 18th, in Britain it comes out October 1st. You Should Be Dancing - it's the Bee Gees' Greatest In celebration of the 30th Anniversary of “Saturday Night Fever”, Reprise Records are re-issuing the multi-platinum “Bee Gees Greatest”, a double album spotlighting the group’s meteoric run of blue-eyed soul hits between 1975 and 1979. This double album features a selection of the Bee Gees’ studio albums “Main Course” (1975), “Children of the World” (1976) and “Spirits Having Flown” (1979), as well as “Saturday Night Fever” (1977), and includes the number one hits “How Deep Is Your Love”, “Staying Alive”, “Night Fever”, “Too Much Heaven”, “Tragedy” and “Love You Inside Out”. The reissue of “Bee Gees Greatest” contains two previously unreleased tracks, “Warm Ride”, and an extended version of Staying Alive, along with contemporary dance remixes of classic Bee Gees songs by some of today’s hot club DJ’s. Bee Gees Greatest is released on September 18 in the US, October 1 in Britain. There is a special T-shirt offer for US customers who buy "Bee Gees Greatest" from the Bee Gees Shop.
Track listing
1. “Jive Talkin’” 2. “Night Fever” 3. “Tragedy” 4. “You Should Be Dancing” 5. “Stayin’ Alive” 6. “How Deep Is Your Love” 7. “Love So Right” 8. “Too Much Heaven” 9. “(Our Love) Don't throw It All Away” 10. “Fanny (Be Tender With My Love)” 11. “If I Can't Have You” 12. “You Stepped into My Life” 13. “Love Me” 14. “More Than a Woman” 15. “Rest Your Love on Me” 16. “Nights on Broadway” 17. “Spirits (Having Flown)” 18. “Love You Inside Out” 19. “Wind of Change” 20. “Children of the World” 21. “Warm Ride” 22. “Stayin’ Alive” – 12” Promo 23. “You Should Be Dancing”—Jason Bentley/Phillip Stier Remix 24. “How Deep Is Your Love”—Supreme Beings of Leisure Remix 25. “Night Fever”—Future Funk Squad Remix 26. “If I Can’t Have You” –Count da Money Remix Hidden tracks: "Stayin' Alive" Teddybears Remix (US/Can/Aust) "If I Can't Have you" Disco Boys Remix (UK/World)
Bee Gees' Greatest iTunes edition
The iTunes edition of "Bee Gees Greatest" comes with some additional material: the “More Than A Woman” Equinox Remix, and a video (version 2) of “Staying Alive”. You can also buy videos on iTunes of Staying Alive (version 1), Night Fever, How Deep Is Your Love (version 1) and Too Much Heaven. When you buy the complete video bundle you additionally get version 2 of the Staying Alive video.
Bee Gees Single
A number of remixes are sent to radio along with original versions to garner interest in the reissue. In the USA the singles are “You Should Be Dancing” (Jason Bentley/Philip Steir Remix) and Stayin’ Alive (Teddybears Remix). Both are released commercially on iTunes.
Bee Gees' Greatest iTunes edition
The iTunes edition of "Bee Gees Greatest" comes with some additional material: the “More Than A Woman” Equinox Remix, and a video (version 2) of “Staying Alive”. You can also buy videos on iTunes of Staying Alive (version 1), Night Fever, How Deep Is Your Love (version 1) and Too Much Heaven. When you buy the complete video bundle you additionally get version 2 of the Staying Alive video. Bee Gees Single A number of remixes are sent to radio along with original versions to garner interest in the reissue. In the USA the singles are “You Should Be Dancing” (Jason Bentley/Philip Steir Remix) and Stayin’ Alive (Teddybears Remix). Both are released commercially on iTunes. In Britain/rest of the world the likely single is “If I Can’t Have You” (Disco Boys Remix), which would be made available on iTunes in October (t.b.c.) and in Germany additionally on vinyl as well (t.b.c.) New Bee Gees ringtones In the US mobile phone ringtones are made available of “Fanny”, “How Deep Is Your Love”, “If I Can’t Have You”, “Jive Talking”, “More Than A Woman”, “Night Fever”, “Nights On Broadway”, “Staying Alive”, “Too Much Heaven”, and of the remixes of “How Deep Is Your Love”, “If I Can’t Have You”, “Night Fever” and “You Should Be Dancing”. Provider Verizon will have an exclusive “Night Fever” demo on sale. Information on ring tones in Britain/other countries will be provided when available.
Saturday Night Fever 30th anniversary edition
Paramount Home Entertainment is releasing a Special Collector’s Edition DVD of the “Saturday Night Fever” movie this October 1st, which features new interviews with cast members, and Barry and Robin Gibb, as well as all-new featurettes on the making of the film and its cultural impact. Buy (US) Buy (UK) Media Robin did some interviews recently. Below is a first list. Additional dates will be provided once confirmed. Also check out the seventies look re-launch of beegees.com (more features will be added over the next couple of weeks), official Bee Gees pages on MySpace and YouTube and the forthcoming joint Rhino and Paramount UK site You Should Be Dancing.
(Source: robingibb.com)
(di Enzo , 21/09/2007 @ 01:24:41 in Dal web, linkato 1922 volte)
Robin Gibb sarà impegnato in una serie di concerti ed apparizioni televisive (a supporto della pubblicazione della versione speciale di "Greatest".
Lo si apprende dallo spazio (ufficiale) di Robin su myspace.com, dove è anche possibile reperire i link per acquistare i biglietti per gli eventi. Inoltre la notizia è confermata dal sito bulgaro "sofia-echo.com", che pone in evidenza la presenza di alcuni musicisti bulgari nella band che accompagnerà Robin a Sofia.

6 ott 2007 - Aruba Entertainment Center (Oranjestad, Aruba)
13 ott 2007 - Rosengarten (Mannheim, Germania)
21 ott 2007 - Ledoviy Dvorets (S. Pietroburgo, Russia)
22 ott 2007 - Cremlino, (Mosca, Russia)
25 ott 2007 - National Culture Palace (Sofia , Bulgaria)

Apparizioni TV:
29 set 2007, 20.00 - Channel 4 - Truck Show (UK)
14 ott 2007, 22.15 - ITV - Kenny Everett Tribute (UK).

Robin ha inoltre realizzato un'intervista sul sito MSN, dedicata alla riedizione di "Bee Gees Greatest". Nello stesso sito si può anche vedere una video-intervista che vede la partecipazione di Barry Gibb, ed ascoltare una (lunga) sequenza di canzoni dei Bee Gees tratte da "Greatest". L'intervista è la prima di una serie che Robin ha realizzato a supporto del disco in uscita ad ottobre in Europa. Le altre saranno sull'edizione di ottobre del mensile inglese "Q", e sui siti "AOL Spinner" e Bullz-eye.com (le date di pubblicazione non sono ancora disponibili, si pensa ad ottobre).
Infine Robin sarà protagonista di altri passaggi televisivi, delle quali si conosce al momento soltanto quello su "Access Hollywood".
(Fonte: myspace.com/robingibbofficial e robingibb.com)

Robin Gibb: concerts (fall 2007):
6 oct 2007, 20.00 - Aruba Entertainment Center , Oranjestad (Aruba)
13 oct 2007, 20.00 - Rosengarten, Mannheim (Germany)
21 oct 2007, 19.00 - Ledoviy Dvorets, St Petersburg (Russia)
22 oct 2007, 19.00 - Kremlin, Moscow (Russia)
25 oct 2007, 20.00 - National Culture Palace, Sofia (Bulgaria)

Next TV appearances:
29 sep 2007 20.00, - Channel 4 - Truck Show, London (UK)
14 oct 2007, 22.15 - ITV - Kenny Everett Tribute, London (UK)

Robin did some interviews recently. Below is a first list. Additional dates will be provided once confirmed: Online & Print:
Msn Music website, Aol Spinner website, Bullz-eye.com website (run dates t.b.a.) and Q Magazine (October)
ABC Radio, Global Radio and Premiere Radio networks (air dates t.b.a.)
Access Hollywood (airdate t.b.a.)
Truck Festival (Channel 4, 29.09.07)
Kenny Everett Tribute (ITV 14.10.07)

Robin Gibb, one of the founders of the legendary band Bee Gees will stage a concert in Bulgaria.

The event will be held in Hall 1 of the National Palace of Culture in Sofia on October 25 2007, avtora.com reported.
three Bulgarians, part of Gibb’s crew, guitar player Nikolo Kotsev, pianist Nelko Kolarov and vocalist Amalia, were coming to Bulgaria as well.
Local percussionist Kalin Veliov and musicians from the Sofia Philharmonic would also take part in the concert.
Tickets are at 30 to 80 leva and are on sale starting September 20.

myspace.com/robingibbofficial , robingibb.com and sofia-echo.com)
(di Enzo , 01/02/2009 @ 01:05:45 in Dal web, linkato 2362 volte)

BeeGees002begin70 "Mi piacerebbe vedere Odessa presentato come un musical, basato sull'intero album. Mi piacerebbe farlo con Robin, con un'intera orchestra e magari con altri artisti. Preferirei fare questo, al posto di tentare un altro greatest hits dei Bee Gees"

E' uno dei passaggi più interessanti di un'intervista telefonica concessa da Barry Gibb al quotidiano inglese "The Guardian" in occasione dell'uscita della ristampa di "Odessa".

"Spero di essere in grado di trovare un livello per fare uscire fuori queste idee con Robin. Non parliamo molto. Sarò in Inghilterra a Luglio, ci vedremo e gli parlerò di Odessa".

Nell'intervista Barry cerca di spiegare con le numerose e diverse influenze musicali "subite"  dai Gibb le stranezze compositive di Odessa, doppio album che nel 1969 non riuscì a confermare i grandi successi dei precedenti album, sebbene il singolo "First of May" ebbe un buon successo commerciale.

Barry rivela che alla fine degli anni 90 i Bee Gees avrebbero voluto suonare interamente Odessa alla Royal Albert Hall di Londra, anche perchè l'album subì una grande rivalutazione da parte della critica musicale. Come si vede da quanto dichiara Barry la cosa non è del tutto accantonata, e potrebbe rappresentare un degno tributo alla memoria di Maurice Gibb.

(Fonte: Guardian)

The Bee Gee's Odessa file

On the phone from his Florida home, Barry Gibb is racking his brain. "I think Odessa was an attempt to do a rock opera," he offers. "It sort of turned itself into a bit of a mish mash, but our intentions were honourable. I think we wanted to do something that could be put on stage. There was supposed to be a thematic thing going on," he adds, "but it just kind of wandered off into the distance."

The eldest Bee Gee rarely speaks to the press these days: a prickly reputation precedes him. But discussing the Gibb brothers' remarkable 1969 concept album, Odessa – forgotten in the wake of their disco reinvention; recently reissued as a sumptuous three-CD box set – he turns out to be a hugely amiable, witty, self-deprecating raconteur, if understandably a little foggy on the exact details: "It was 40 years ago," he protests more than once.

Gibb might be forgiven for having blotted the whole Odessa experience from is memory. It was begun in the midst of an American tour abandoned owing to poor ticket sales, despite the band's success in the US ("We'd had a lot of hits but no live status," he says; "We weren't exactly Led Zeppelin, were we?"), and completed amid such acrimony that Robin left the band weeks after its release. Then the album flopped, plunging the band into further turmoil. "For four years we couldn't get arrested," says Gibb, of a period during which the band split up, reformed and found themselves reduced to playing supper clubs. "It was a really, really disturbing time when we knew we were good, but no one wanted to listen." He laughs. "Funnily enough, we've had a few of those."

Perhaps the public's muted response to Odessa is unsurprising. The Bee Gees were a weird band even by the standards of the late 60s. Their output zigzagged wildly between intense ballads destined to become standards – Words, To Love Somebody, I've Gotta Get a Message to You – and baroque pop-psychedelia with imponderable lyrics about racing drivers and fridges. But no record encapsulated the Gibb brothers' majestically skewed pop vision like Odessa, which amid the usual gorgeously orchestrated heartbreak, featured mock national anthems, country and western and a title track that set a new benchmark for their magnificent oddness: harps, flamenco guitars, mock-Gregorian chanting, a burst of Baa Baa Black Sheep, lyrics about icebergs and vicars and emigrating to Finland. Quite what Odessa's concept was supposed to be remains a mystery, but it's the kind of album you listen to rapt, baffled as to what's going to happen next.

Gibb thinks Odessa's weirdness had less to do with the era's psychedelic excesses than the peculiarities of the brothers' upbringing. "Our music became so speckled because we had all these insane influences from growing up in Australia – Col Joye and the Joy Boys, Billy Thorpe & the Aztecs, it was a pop scene unto itself. Then we were five weeks at sea going to Australia, five weeks at sea coming back. We'd been inside the pyramids, been to India, up the Suez Canal, in the Sahara Desert.

"By the time we arrived back in England, we'd had all these unusual cultural influences pounded into us. I really think that has a lot to do with our songwriting, these strange songs, unusual lyrics and abstractions."

In the late 90s, buoyed by the album's critical re-evaluation, the Bee Gees mooted a plan to play Odessa in its entirety at the Royal Albert Hall. Most people assumed that idea was quietly shelved after Maurice Gibb's death in 2003, but apparently not. "I'd love to see it presented as an actual musical, played through as an album. I would love to do it with Robin, with a full orchestra, maybe with other artists. I would rather do that than try to do the Bee Gees greatest hits again.

"I'd like to be able to find a level of knocking these thoughts out with Robin," he says, suddenly sounding a bit wistful: the surviving brothers' relationship apparently remains as fractious discuss these things. We don't speak very much." Then he perks up. "I'm coming to England in July, actually. I'll see him then. I'll get him by the lapels and talk about Odessa."

(Source: Guardian)

(di Enzo , 23/09/2007 @ 00:40:12 in Dal web, linkato 1959 volte)
Come già anticipato, Robin Gibb è stato intervistato da vari media (TV, radio, web e stampa), in merito alla pubblicazione della versione "deluxe" della raccolta "Bee Gees Greatest". Oggi viene pubblicata dal sito "spinner.com" un'interessante intervista nella quale Robin, oltre a parlare di "Greatest", parla del ritiro del nome "Bee Gees" dopo la morte di Maurice nel 2003.

"Non abbiamo esattamente ritirato il nome "Bee Gees" . Lo abbiamo fatto intendendolo un onore ed un rispetto per Maurice per essere parte di qualcosa nella cultura musicale che abbiamo raggiunto insieme. Io e Barry staremo insieme e faremo album e canzoni, ma alla fine la gente ci chiameranno sempre "Bee Gees", non possiamo cambiare questo. In rispetto di Maurice, i Bee Gees saranno sempre tre fratelli. Non potremo mai cambiare la concezione della gente su me e Barry insieme o io o Barry come solisti. Come Paul Mc Cartney sarà sempre un Beatle, noi saremo sempre i Bee Gees, ma per quanto ci riguarda i Bee Gees saranno sempre tre".

Altre parti interessanti dell'intervista riguardano i commenti di Robin sui remix  presenti in "Greatest", ("preferisco sempre gli originali, ma in definitiva sono accettabili"), sulla considerazione dell'incertezza sulla possibilità che se i Bee Gees nascessero ora avrebbero successo ("non so, la scena musicale è diversa, oggi se hai una melodia, sei bianco e sei uomo, devi andare sul country... ") e su come crede che alla fine i Bee Gees saranno ricordati ("non tutti gli artisti di oggi hanno l'enorme catalogo di canzoni che noi abbiamo, credo che saremo ricordati come autori, anche per le canzoni che abbiamo scritto per altri artisti")

Da segnalare inoltre "30 years of fever", lo special sui Bee Gees e su "Greatest" realizzato dal sito di Microsoft, msn.com.
Contiene un'altra intervista con Robin, quasi tutta incentrata sulla ristampa del disco, ed una video-intervista, dove appare anche Barry (sebbene apparentemente l'intervista sembra realizzata in due diverse "location").

(Fonti: spinner.com e msn.com)

"Bee Gees' Robin Gibb Isn't Jive Talking"

The Bee Gees' Robin Gibb is one third of not only one of the most successful family acts in popular music but one of the most successful, period. From their early days in their native England to their childhood musical successes in Australia to their later status as world conquerors with their 15-times platinum 'Saturday Night Fever' soundtrack, the brothers Gibb -- Robin, his twin, Maurice, and their older brother, Barry -- have had more careers, and hit records, than any five bands. They've thrived with and excelled at Beatlesque orchestral rock, dance-floor-ready R&B and disco, and just about every pop style under the sun in their more than 40 years as music makers. Prolific songwriters that they have been, this doesn't even take into account the numerous hits other artists have had with their songs.

Robin was eager to talk about the historical significance of the 'Fever'-era songs compiled on the just-reissued and expanded double CD 'Bee Gees Greatest,' a collection of the group's R&B smashes. He also discusses the ego problems that led to a rift between him and his brothers in the late '60s, the idea of retiring the Bee Gees name after the 2003 death of Maurice and why country music is the last bastion for songwriters.

What was the thought behind reissuing your disco-era greatest hits with bonus material?

I think we -- me and Barry --were quite cautious about this at the very beginning when [the record label] approached us about re-releasing a landmark greatest-hits album. It's not all the hits, but it's a particular period, and it's actually a re-release of an album of the greatest hits with the original artwork, the original logo at the front, and the original photography, and the original track listing with bonus tracks. One of those bonus tracks, interestingly enough, is one of the songs that didn't make, by our own choice, the soundtrack, called 'Warm Ride.' Incidentally, none of the tracks that we wrote were written for 'Saturday Night Fever,' they were put to 'Saturday Night Fever.' We never saw the film till it came out. We'd recorded them in France and we had all of them -- 'Stayin' Alive,' 'How Deep Is Your Love,' 'Night Fever,' 'If I Can't Have You,' 'More Than a Woman' and 'Warm Ride' were all written -- and they came over to France, listened to them and took them away with them. It was just like we never heard another thing for another nine months, then it came out at Christmas of '77, and we know what happened after that.

Do you now appreciate just how musically revolutionary the 'Saturday Night Fever' movie was?

I think the interesting thing about 'Fever' is that is was never a musical in the true sense of the word in that nobody ever actually sang in the film, like they do in 'Grease.' And secondly, it was a contemporary film, it was about the time, it was a modern film about modern-day New York City and it went against the grain of normal, traditional musicals. So it was a new way of presenting music. Instead of having the actors sing, you have the soundtrack intertwined into the story and the plot, which is my favorite way. I mean, I like it when it is part of the narration of the film and the atmosphere rather than someone actually singing it. I'm not a great fan of actually watching people sing in musicals, but I am a great fan of writing the right music to the right film. And 'Fever' is still the best-selling soundtrack album worldwide.

But didn't the Bee Gees make the transition from a pop-rock sound to to a more R&B one well before 'Fever,' for example, with 'Jive Talkin''?

We were already going in that direction two years earlier with the 'Main Course' album. And then the following year we had the 'Children of the World' album, which produced 'You Should Be Dancing' and 'Love So Right,' which were Number One in black radio, as the previous ones were, so we were already in a black R&B direction. We never heard of the word "disco," by the way, that was something the radio created when the film took off. We knew nothing about that; we were doing R&B music.

Was there any skittishness about giving the songs over to the 'Fever' soundtrack?

We were very cautious about these songs being used in the film, because this was a very low-budget movie. It was a new actor, John Travolta, who had been in 'Welcome Back Kotter,' and we didn't really know that much about the film other than the fact it was low budget and there was not going to be a tremendous amount of promotion on it. There was no great anticipation of its success, certainly no prediction of it, and we were more concerned about, well, are we going to throw these songs away on a film that doesn't do anything?

What was it about those songs that made people embrace it in such a huge way?

Well, first of all, there's an emotion in the sound. The songs are very human songs. They're about human relationships, which are perennial. And, of course, the sound is very emotional, the harmonies are very emotional, and the sound of the harmony that we use, they do have a tendency to transcend and reach people in a way that affects them. I think there was a magical quality about that sound.

Even in the early days, there was a lot of R&B influence in songs like 'To Love Somebody' and 'I Can't See Nobody.'

That is correct. That's the way we grew up in Australia. We used to listen to a lot of commercial radio stations in Sydney that were playing a lot of this stuff, and I think if we had stayed in England we wouldn't have heard that because they weren't playing it. A lot of white acts, even in America, would not be exploring that kind of music in those days. We didn't feel any boundaries to that in Australia.

So many Bee Gees songs, even the ones that aren't overtly R&B-sounding, have been covered by black artists. What would you attribute that to?

Recently, we had 'Emotion' [covered] by Beyonce and Destiny's Child -- a lot of black artists have always been interested in our sound and our music and influenced by it. And a lot of black artists are influenced by these tracks today in their own way and they try to put their own stamp on the sound, they sample them and they are influenced by the harmonies. So much the style of the songs transcends the times that they're written in.

A couple of 'Fever' classics have been given the remix treatment for the album's re-release, like the Teddybears' remix of 'Stayin' Alive.' Are you happy with how they turned out?

I always like the originals, but we're living in a day and age where people like remixes. I suppose it's really an acquired taste. One person's gonna say, 'I like it,' another person's gonna say, 'Oh, I don't like that.' It's a mixed bag of emotion, really, but it's an acceptable thing.

You and your brothers have written songs for everyone from Barbara Streisand and Dionne Warwick to a duet for Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton. Do you wish you were more recognized for your songwriting?

I think it's an important thing to be songwriters. When Elton John was signed, he was writing songs, and I think there was a time, as the Beatles themselves were writing songs, when artists were writing their own songs and people were covering them. And also it was just good to write your own songs and to be first, not to copy people, to try and be original and set the pace rather than today where they copy what's gone on in the last forty years.

Your 1969 album 'Odessa' has been acknowledged as your masterpiece, but it also temporarily broke up the band. What do you recall about that record?

An adventurous album in a sense, because it was actually written not as a commercial album. It was done always as a theme, and it was suggested by [manager] Robert Stigwood to do something that was entirely different, and we knew it was going to be a hard sell, even by the standards of the time. But we wanted to do something that was entirely different and unusual, for a better word. But again it was all part of our evolvement; it was part of the writing development of where we were going. We were still teenagers at the time.

You were so young while you were having all this commercial and critical success -- did it go to your head?

Yeah, it did, but it didn't go to our head through money, because we didn't have much of that, 'cause we didn't own our own publishing or anything like that at the time. I think it had more to do with freedom of choice and we weren't listening to each other as much as we were going to much later. So it was an exciting time, but it was also a very tough time emotionally, coming to terms with this, you know, this ego.

Right after 'Odessa' you left the Bee Gees to record your solo album 'Robin's Reign' and your brothers carried on with 'Cucumber Castle.' How hard was it being and working without them?

It was a tough time, it was 18 months of writing songs that probably we would have written together or would have ended up on a Bee Gees album, and instead we put them out individually. And it was kind of tough emotionally when you want to work together and you've still got so much to do and you're still actually teenagers, you know, and we had 18 months of that where we had time apart. But I think it was probably necessary for what was to come later. 'Cause the first thing, as soon as we got back together, in one afternoon we wrote 'Lonely Days' and 'How Can You Mend a Broken Heart.' So it was productive, it was worth the 18 months off.

Am I to understand that with the passing away of your brother Maurice in 2003, you've retired the Bee Gees name?

We haven't exactly retired the Bee Gees name, we did it as an honor and respect for Maurice as being part of something in musical culture that we achieved together. Me and Barry will get together and make albums and make songs, but in the end people will always call us Bee Gees -- we can't change that. In respect for Maurice, the Bee Gees will always be the three brothers. We can never change people's concept of even me and Barry or even me or Barry alone. As Paul McCartney is a always going to be a Beatle, we're always going to be the Bee Gees, but as far as we're concerned the Bee Gees will always be us three.

Do you think if the Bee Gees were a new group they would be successful in today's music market?

I don't know -- because popular radio is not the same as it used to be. It wouldn't be just us: Where would Elton John be? Where would the Beatles be? Your starting point is where your advantage is. Today there isn't a platform for popular music and the popular song. And I think the popular song is always going to have a place in history, and the vehicles have been vastly reduced and music has been sidelined. What we have now is, if you have a melody and you're white and you're male -- you have to go to country.

How do you think the Bee Gees will be remembered?

I think the legacy of the Bee Gees -- you can't really enforce it, but I would like to think as a songwriter is the most important thing. And creating a huge catalog, which most people aren't really doing today. As being not just songwriters for ourselves but for other people.

(Sources: spinner.com and msn.com)

(di Enzo , 04/09/2007 @ 00:09:35 in Dal web, linkato 1981 volte)
Un quinto remix, ("Stayin' Alive", a cura del gruppo pop/rock svedese Teddybears) è stato aggiunto alla tracklist della ristampa di "Bee Gees Greatest" (vedi l'articolo del 19 luglio in questo blog) , in uscita il prossimo 18 settembre su etichetta Rhino.  Si va ad aggiungere ai quattro in precedenza annunciati ed ai due "inediti" ("Warm ride" e la versione extended di "Stayin'alive").
Nel sito della casa discografica sono presenti inoltre alcune note di presentazione del disco ed alcuni video dei Bee Gees.
Fonte: Rhino.com
 "Bee Gees Greatest (Special Edition)"

There's no “Jive Talkin'” here except for the Bee Gees chart-topping single, one of many legendary '70s-era classics from the Brothers Gibb on this bonus-packed, updated 2-CD reissue of their five-years-out-of-print hits compilation BEE GEES GREATEST.

The collection was first released in 1979 as a double LP, 20-track set that hit #1 on Billboard's Pop Albums chart. Rhino's remastered & expanded remaking of it features all that original greatness plus two previously unreleased tracks - including one song making its recording debut - and scorching new remixes of four immortal hits from Saturday Night Fever.

This historic reissue coincides with Paramount Home Entertainment's 30th Anniversary Special Collector's Edition of the film classic Saturday Night Fever, a defining statement of the disco era - but perhaps not as much as its companion soundtrack, which was dominated by Bee Gees smashes. That landmark 1977 #1 title - also newly reissued by Rhino in 30th anniversary splendor - has sold in excess of 30 million copies, is one of the top-selling soundtracks ever and is #131 on Rolling Stone's list of the “500 Greatest Albums of All Time.”

It's also the source for six of GREATEST's all-time greatest from Barry, Robin and Maurice Gibb, including five #1 smashes: “Jive Talkin',” “How Deep Is Your Love,” “You Should be Dancing,” the GRAMMY®winning “Night Fever” and “Stayin' Alive,” plus “More Than A Woman To Me.”

Four of those classic songs also boast feverish new, previously unreleased bonus remixes on GREATEST from hot contemporary mixers and producers: “You Should Be Dancing” (Jason Bentley/Philip Steir Remix); “If I Can't Have You” (Count Da Money Remix); “Night Fever” (Future Funk Squad Remix); and “How Deep Is Your Love (Supreme Beings Of Leisure Remix).”

GREATEST, which overall spotlights the ultimate hits from Bee Gees studio albums released between 1975 and 1979, also boasts standouts including the #1 pop singles “Love You Inside Out,” “Tragedy” and “Too Much Heaven,” as well as the signature songs “Nights On Broadway” and “Spirits (Having Flown).”

In addition to the bold new remixes, bonus material also includes the recorded debut of the previously unissued song “Warm Ride” and the rare 12”, promo-only version of “Stayin' Alive.”

You could have been dancin' for the past five years, but it would have been without a new copy of GREATEST to call your own. That's remedied now with Rhino's makeover of the previously retired title, reborn as GREATEST (SPECIAL EDITION). The only authentic Bee Gees '70s era-centric hits collection available, it's made even more special with new remixes of four iconic SNF grooves.

Bee Gees' marathon legacy spans five decades, seven platinum albums, eight GRAMMYs, induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and over 60 chart hits - including six straight #1 singles. Look for Rhino's other Bee Gees titles, all part of our first-ever restoration of the legendary group's extensive catalog, which will eventually be revitalized and upgraded in its entirety. GREATEST also includes a special hidden track of Stayin' Alive as remixed by Scandinavian rock/pop sensations Teddybears.


Jive Talkin'
Night Fever
You Should Be Dancing
Stayin' Alive
How Deep Is Your Love
Love So Right
Too Much Heaven
(Our Love) Don't throw It All Away
Fanny (Be Tender With My Love)
Warm Ride
Stayin' Alive (Promo 12” Version)
If I Can't Have You
You Stepped Into My Life
Love Me
More Than A Woman
Rest Your Love On Me
Nights On Broadway
Spirits (Having Flown)
Love YOu Inside Out
Wind Of Change
Children Of The World
You Should Be Dancing (Jason Bentley/Philip Steir Remix)
If I Can't Have You (Count Da Money Remix)
Night Fever (NRG Remix)
How Deep Is Your Love (Supreme Beings Of Leisure Remix)
Stayin' Alive (Teddybears Remix)

(Source: Rhino.com)

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